If you have any use for such things, please test the neko_rdesktop-1.7.1 in /beta. If possible, also try some of the advanced/obscure features, such as file, sound, printer etc. forwarding, seamless mode and whatever else there may be.
SGI: Development
Beta test: neko_rdesktop-1.7.1
Oh my god. this is awesome!


Wull, damn ! I finally found something that win2k pro cannot do ! Maybe save someone, somewhere some time : RDP is called terminal Services on win2k and you need the server edition to make it work. And you can't just booger in the relevant files.
I'm trying to connect to my Win8 NAS server bu| It return ERROR.
Works very well with a WinXP virtual machine I have if I set option -4 . I don't have the audio of my Octane connected so I can't test this.
octane2 96# ./rdesktop -f
Autoselected keyboard map en-us
ERROR: recv: Connection reset by peer
ERROR: send: Broken pipe
disconnect: Internal protocol error.
Autoselected keyboard map en-us
ERROR: recv: Connection reset by peer
ERROR: send: Broken pipe
disconnect: Internal protocol error.
Works very well with a WinXP virtual machine I have if I set option -4 . I don't have the audio of my Octane connected so I can't test this.