When you install Lightwave (demo or original version) with the Software Manager, you get dialog window with some specific instructions.
These are (in a nutshell):
1. Install Lightwave using the software manager (duh).
2. In a shell, type "SETUPLW", which will run /usr/sbin/SETUPLW. This procedure adds the path /usr/lightwave/Bin.
3. Log out and then log back in, with the same user.
4. In a shell, type "which LW" to see if the correct path is added.
This should make it possible to load the included project files (even with the demo version). Saving is NOT possible with the demo.
These are (in a nutshell):
1. Install Lightwave using the software manager (duh).
2. In a shell, type "SETUPLW", which will run /usr/sbin/SETUPLW. This procedure adds the path /usr/lightwave/Bin.
3. Log out and then log back in, with the same user.
4. In a shell, type "which LW" to see if the correct path is added.
This should make it possible to load the included project files (even with the demo version). Saving is NOT possible with the demo.