There is also neko_tightvnc is you want the whiole desktop remotely.
Sqeen, what do you mean by the whole desktop? Is this different to teleffect? I'm using teleffect now, it works well, but I still need two monitors. I thought vnc needed two monitors also.
BTW, you signature quote is mispelled (off not of). Smile
Oops, that's embarrassing.

Turn on both computers. Now for starters do 'toolchest-> desktop-> access files-> by remote login' on one box. You'll get a popup asking for a user name and password. Enter what you normally would to log into machine number two.
O.K. so far........
If you choose "toolchest" you'll get the other machine's toolchest opening on the desktop that you are using.
Choose toolchest? From where?
Choose something from that toolchest - maybe open a browser ? Now that browser will be running on machine number two but displaying on machine number one. You needn't "switch between" because everything is displaying on your single desktop. Since they're both SGI boxes almost everything should happily display across the network but run on its own hardware. (You can set up more desks if you like to keep the two machines separated. Toochest, desktop, extra desks.)
This bit I understand.

I guess I'll have to try it, just waiting on the RAM to get the second O2 running.