RetroHacker wrote:
Sleep is flakey on these machines anyway - or, at least, it was in 10.2. The first peripheral I ever bought for my Mac was a USB floppy drive. After it was connected, the machine would crash every time it went into sleep. At this time, the floppy drive was the *only* piece of third party hardware connected, and the machine was under warranty. I called Apple, and explained the problem - their solution? Just plug in the floppy drive when I wanted to use it.
I disabled sleep and have never re-enabled it.
I disabled sleep and have never re-enabled it.
Same on 10.3.9
I just set the screen saver to come on and then the monitor to go to sleep.
R4600PC 133 MHz
Emachines PC 3.0GHz Dual Core (Intel)
Custom Built Ubuntu PC 1.207GHz (AMD)
Mac G4 1.25GHz