Since college I've worked mostly in MS shops... either C# or (heh..)
First job was working on this guy ... ion/JBPDS/
Lots of great people working there... Only real regret is I didn't get to work on any of the other projects they had in the oven while I was there.
I just got another job with a company that makes large scale sorting machines doing a variety of work... I recently visited one of the installations in the field also. I must say very cool and very large machines
Its predominately database driven software as well as interfacing with industrial controls. I may end up designing controller boards for some of their newer designs at some point as well which all is pretty rewarding IMO.
Oh before I forget.... I'm here for anything Sun Microsystems related
a friend introdueced me to them in college so I started collecting them and seeing what all I can run on them. Currently I'm having a go at updating Gentoo/Sparc32 to run on my sparcstations
. If you try it out ... beware the dragons
notably you have to use rather than ld.bfd otherwise gcc compiles crash... and my livecd uses an older kernel so the toolchain I have is gcc 4.5.3 + binutils 2.20 so I'll get around to building with a newer kernel at some point.