Hey guys,
So I've got my Acclaim Indy (not the Turok ones) and want to back it up. As I don't have any DAT drives, external disks that can work on the Indy or other ways to get files off it, I want to use an NFS share on my FreeBSD system kuran - since Kanna isn't quite ready to do the job and nor is anything else really.
So I set up an NFSv3 server on my FreeBSD backup laptop:
Select all
service nfsd start
NFSv4 is disabled
Starting rpcbind.
Starting mountd.
Starting nfsd.
Reboot the laptop. The ip of the laptop will be known as and the Indy will be
After getting the Indy's network routes setup, it can ping and I can ping it from the FreeBSD laptop.
I went into the fstab and setup an nfs share: /kuran nfs rw 0 0
rebooted, my share didn't mount. Tried mount:
mount /kuran
access denied to
giving up on /kuran
I don't know how to troubleshoot the problem, any ideas?
Worst case, I'll wait until my SCSI CDROM arrives, but that may be a while.