ajerimez wrote:
... and a system that can only do NTSC video in realtime ...
Or PAL of course. ;D
Note that Effect on O2 can only stream video to/from RAM in 30 second bursts, not to/from disk continuously,
as opposed to Octane/Flame which has no such limitation. I think Flint on Indigo2 works the same way.
To the original poster: MovieMaker works ok for basic things, but try and do complex stuff and it will barf.
There are GUI tools for recording video and playback aswell (MediaRecorder/MediaPlayer) but in both cases
it is much better to use the command line equivalents which are more reliable. Premiere is ok aswell, and is
able to use the O2's acceleration hardware, but again it's not bug-free.
There are various freeware tools (Nekoware) you can use of course, mencoder/mplayer being the main items,
but even a max-spec O2 cannot use mplayer to play back full-size/rate DivX/MPEG2/MPEG4 video in
real-time (alas, O2's ICE hardware is not used to accelerate mplayer). O2 is very good at MJPEG video though,
and indeed can record direct to AVI which makes it easy to use a PC to convert movies into other formats. I use
an O2 for capture/editing/playback (CEP for short), but I use a PC for final format conversion. VirtualDub, DivX
Converter, PICVIdeo JPEG codec, etc. Plenty of tools available. I'll be building an i7 system soon to aid with
conversion (current system is only a 6000+).
Note that I do have some professional analogue video units for O2, but I've not yet looked into exactly what they
can do.
Lastly, my site has some
on capturing video using IMPACT Compression, but many of the concepts
apply to O2 aswell. Read the O2 man pages for full details of the individal commands such as dmrecord and
dmconvert, also note the presence of online books such as the Digital Media Tools guide. And read the release
notes too - all useful info.
If you want it *simple*, don't use an O2. Get a Mac/PC/Linux box. If you want it *interesting*, get an O2.
However, don't bother with an O2 if you're not able to afford or obtain a decent spec system. Using a lesser spec
O2 for this would not be a pleasant experience. I would recommend a minimum of an R10K/250 with 512MB RAM,
and whatever storage you need. For the R5K line, don't use anything less than an R5K/300, though even then an
R10K is preferable. Or get an R7K/600, that would be good. See my site for
benchmark results
, eg. video conversion.