The collected works of whiter - Page 1

I think I have it.
But I am after weeks still waiting for a stupid scsi cable to arrive so I can attach the external scsi bay to my indigo2. So at the moment I can not get to it sadly.
If you don't find it before I get the cable (hope that will happen this lifetime) I'd be glad to put it up.

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After fiddling a bit I installed the commercial driver from the wacom website.
It works great!

Finaly the tablet is working.

I did not receive any popups/messages about licensing. So I think that my interpretation of "Using this driver with an Intuos2 or Cintiq tablet requires the presence of a Wacom software key on the system." is correct, as in that I don't need a license for my Intuos. Pretty dam nice!
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try if the program 'x2vnc' will compile on irix.

It's like x2x. Start it on an SGI box and let it connect to your windows XP box (running a VNC server).
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speaking about tardists:

what should one do to create a proper tardist of any properly compiled program?
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going in.

*puts scuba gear on*
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An error occured while loading :

Unknown host

If someone could put up a mirror that would be great. I'd LOVE to see those screensavers in action here.
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It sure can be played against the computer
You have to start the server with certain parameters. let me find out how. Will try it in a few.

And I hate multiplayer games so I'm very glad this option is available.

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I'll need TRAM to be able to use them :-(
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got it installed
you have to use the 'aifill' option in the civserver
(start civserver, and do 'set aifill <number of computerplayers>')

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Now I wonder.....
what 's changed? :)
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I tried it this evening, but I get this error:
IRIX: can't open audio port.

And after opening an aterm it wouldn't even give me the error. It just didn't say anything and quitted.

Audio is well working in my Octane in other programs, I run IRIX 6.5.20, and I don't play any audio using another program at the time of testing.


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after some more testing without changing a thing:

It now skips the first 5 words, and then says the next few reeeeealy fast. And it seems to start counting those 5 all over again from any encountered . (dot).

I noticed in the audio control panel that it keeps resetting the output sample rate to 32khz. VERY anoying. I wonder if this has anything to do with the problems?
I am using the optical output.

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It works with the analog output indeed.
Which is realy too bad. I don't want any analog lines around :)
But hey it's fun. Would be nice to be able to crank up the sample rate a bit though.

When using any of the *_mrbola voices, I get these errors:

$ echo "Roses are red. Violins are blue. I'm schizofrenic. And so am I."|/usr/local/festival/bin/festival --tts
sh: mbrola:  not found
Cannot open file /tmp/ as tokenstream
Wave load: can't open file "/tmp/"
Cannot load wavefile: /tmp/
sh: mbrola:  not found
Cannot open file /tmp/ as tokenstream
Wave load: can't open file "/tmp/"
Cannot load wavefile: /tmp/
sh: mbrola:  not found
Cannot open file /tmp/ as tokenstream
Wave load: can't open file "/tmp/"
Cannot load wavefile: /tmp/
sh: mbrola:  not found
Cannot open file /tmp/ as tokenstream
Wave load: can't open file "/tmp/"
Cannot load wavefile: /tmp/

All other voices work ok.

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But it's worth it!

Talking octanes rock!


Now I'll finaly have someone to converse with :-P

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I just looked at the screenshot and it looks quite nice!
I'm going to try it out immediately.
Great work Squeenyweeny!
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just tried it. But it won't work.
Tested both mips3 and mips4 versions. A small grey line appears at the bottom of the screen that appears to suck up all my icons.
But it won't pop-up when I do the mouse over thing.
When I use the -nohide option, it still stays hidden.

(Working on an Octane r12k 300MHz with 6.5.20m installed)
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Squeen wrote: This is the most serious bug I think anyone has stumbled on yet. You can try kill -HUP the process and then restarting the window manager -- then running iconbar again. If it continues to misbehave let me know which apps you have open.

Well. I have tried those things. I currently have running: a few aterms, swmgr, xmms, konqueror and a few nedit's. When I do an strace I see the folowing:

Code: Select all

BSD_getime(0x7fff2c18)                  = 0
ioctl(3, 0x4004730a, 0x7fff2310)        = 0
ioctl(4, 0x786301, 0x4)                 = 0
ioctl(3, 0x4004730a, 0x7fff2310)        = 0
BSD_getime(0x7fff2878)                  = 0
select(4, [3], [], [], NULL)            = 0 (Timeout)
BSD_getime(0x7fff2c18)                  = 0
ioctl(4, 0x786301, 0x4)                 = 0
read(3, 0x7fff2090, 32)                 = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, NULL)        = 1 (in [3])
read(3, "\1\0\t\276\0\0\0\221\0\0\0?\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\3\300\0\t\0\200\0\3\0\200\0\4\1"..., 580) = 580
BSD_getime(0x7fff2b60)                  = 0
ioctl(3, 0x4004730a, 0x7fff2310)        = 0
ioctl(3, 0x4004730a, 0x7fff2310)        = 0
BSD_getime(0x7fff2878)                  = 0
select(4, [3], [], [], NULL)            = 1 (in [3])
ioctl(3, 0x4004730a, 0x7fff1e50)        = 0

This repeats constantly, but the "Resource temporarily unavailable" appears when I put the mouse over the small grey line it seems.
Squeen wrote: The beta release will have a debug option for tracking down problems like these, and I'll fix the error with -nohide so that it starts popped-up.

Sounds nice. We'll be waiting :D
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isn't this game on the o2 demos cd?
Or otherwise on an Indyzone, but I would swear the o2 demos.
I know I have played it on my o2 a lot before.
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Code: Select all

for i in *; do cat $i|sed s/\/\/.*//>$i; done

Something like that should help you clean your code a bit faster :)
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martijn wrote: Important note: Patch 5086 is not required for a live install if you are running IRIX 6.5.20 and upgrading to IRIX 6.5.21.

I didn't have any problems with the live upgrade from 6.5.20m to 6.5.21m (without the patch)

ohh I read this too late.

I just upgraded to 6.5.21 (in fact the rqsall is still requickstarting my Elfs and Goblins) but did use the patch.

It didn't complain when installing the patch. So I guess just installing it was safe :)
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upgrade worked.

Without burning my Octane!

nekochan++ :)

You people scared me :.(
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squeen wrote: I'm told the fixed imlib with be included in a future freeware release, but probably could be had sooner if you are interested.


if I understand correctly....


wah000 !!
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Seems like more people than just me are being masochistic today.

I've been trying to find out a way to do commandline file downloads from http/ftp with a base irix install. After some hours I have decided to just make a static compiled CURL and put that along with IRIX-Ports. Hm, got to ask those dudes if it's ok if I do that...

holidays are best for nerding :)
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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!
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I am playing a bit with XVM to get some striped mirrors going. But I encounter some problems.

I initialise a few discs using fx. I make them all 'option' drives. But when I'm done and look into /dev/dsk, I see this:

Code: Select all

# ls|grep dks2

Why are there 2 drives with an s7 partition and 4 without ?

I try to give the drives XVM labels. This goes ok for drive 1, 2, 5 and 6. But for drive 3 and 4 (the ones that have an s7 partition) I get this error:

Code: Select all

# xvm -domain local label -name Vault_9gig_3 unlabeled/dks2d3vol
The files in the volume header will not fit if the volume header is shrunk
to 3072 blocks.  Delete files to free up 72704 bytes in order to continue.
could not label unlabeled/dks2d3vol:  An error occured while compacting the
volume header.

I have not a clue what it's talking about.

Anyone with a hint?
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Thanks for the fx -x tip.
That resolved all the troubles.
Now Let's see what this nice xvm gui can do for me.
It has real nice procedure explanations on how to create complex things like mirrored stripes. Shouldn't be too hard.
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Well then. I did it.
It took me a few hours but I managed to build a mirrored stripe set in the xvmgr GUI.

Let's explain a bit how it goes:

first of all xvmgr has a nice help menu that gives some guidelines on how to do some tasks. So it also had one for creating a mirrored stripe. But it turned out to be not so intuitive as it seemd at first hand.

The guidelines tell you to
- label your discs
- create slices on your discs
- create 2 mirrors
- create a stripe
- create a filesystem
- mount the filesystem

So... Step 1, labeling:

xvmgr will show a list of all your discs, probably unlabeled on first use with xvmgr. Make sure not to just click and label any disc on a running system, because chances are you'll ruin things. Make sure the discs you operate on are empty and not in use.
Giving the disc a label is nothing else as giving it an easy to understand unique identifier (I used "Vault_9gb_1" for the 9gb disc in slot 1 of my Origin Vault)
While labeling I encountered some strange errors, and dexter1 hinted to use fx -x to write a new sgiinfo block on the disc because it possibly got corrupted. I'll not get into the errors here, the hint was good and it solved the problems. (Check [url=""]here[/url] for the specific thread about that)

Step 2, creating slices:
Not much fun here. Select all the drives you want to use (4x 9GB in my case) and hit the create slice button. Leave it at its defaults (use all space available) and OK. And voila you should have all needed slices.

Step 3, creating mirrors:
For a mirror you will need 2 identical drives. Or atleast almost identical, because the size of the smalles drive will define the size of the mirror.
Now there are multiple ways of creating a mirror in xvmgr. There is a button in the toolbar, and an option in the box at the bottom right (when a drive is selected), and you can choose it from the help->volumes menu, or you can even click on the word "mirrors" in the guidelines in the help->guidelines->mirroredstripe (something like that) menu!
Surprisingly those 4 options are NOT the same!
The first options will leave you with a mirror with just space for 1 drive. Well... not much fun in a mirror with 1 drive... not realy that much of a mirror. I fooled around with it for a while and have not been able to find out how to add another drive to it.
But when you choose the last of the 4 options, you will get a screen where you can give your mirror a name, select the create options (choose he verify on boot but not on creation option here) and choose the slices to use (2 of the 9GB drives in my case.)
Now repeat this procedure for the 2 other drives.
And maybe repeat it again for again 2 other drives? Depends on how large a stripe you want to create.

Step 4a, creating a stripe:
Now for the stripe creation, you've got just as many options as for the mirrors. And again choose the option from the same screen as you did for the mirrors. But in the screen to select the volume elements your mirrors will NOT show! This was confusing me at first. But you can choose from the eventualy other available unused slices, and there is also an "empty slot" option available. Add this empty slot thing as many times as that you have created a mirror (2 times in my case, but it might as well be 3 or more). This is the only place I have discovered that will allow you to add more than 1 slot to your stripe!

Step 4b, add your mirrors to the stripe:
Now in the top left of xvmgr switch the 'view' to 'Local Volume Elements'. A graphical tree will appear that shows your empty stripe and newly created mirrors. What you should do is drag the "mirror/nameyougave" elements to the empty slot positions in the stripe. Thus taking them out of their current volumes, adding them to the stripes. This will result in a warning dialog probably, telling you that you are changing an online volume. Just hit OK there (You were working with new empty drives, right ?)
So after you've done this you should have a 'stripe-tree' that resembles something like this:

Code: Select all

`- subvol/mymirroredstripe/data
`- stripe/mystripe
|- mirror/mymirror1
|  |
|  |-slice/myslice1
|  `-slice/myslice2
`- mirror/mymirror2

Congrats! You created a mirrored stripe set!
Now to use this wonderful piece of technology:

Step 5, create a filesystem:
xvmgr has the ability to create filesystems. But again things won't show up! The created volume is not available in the dialogs, so we'll have to do it manualy.
In a console do something similar to this:

Code: Select all

mkfs /dev/xvm/mymirroredstripe
and this is just like creating a filesystem on a regular drive.

Step 6, mount the volume:
This volume can be mounted just like any other drive ofcourse:

Code: Select all

# mount /dev/xvm/mymirroredstripe /mnt/18gig
# df -h|grep mymirroredstripe
/dev/xvm/mymirroredstripe xfs   17G  288K    17G    1%  /mnt/18gig

A secure filesystem. Whenever a drive fails, the system keeps working (but do replace the drive as soon as possible ofcourse), with the added juice of striping: using the capacity of multiple drives as one big volume, with nice performance increase if you do it right.

The setup I'm going to use this for:
2 mirrored 18GB drives in my O200 tower 1 (SCSI controller 1)
2 mirrored 18GB drives in my O200 tower 1 (SCSI controller 2)
2 mirrored 18GB drives in my O200 vault (SCSI controller 3)
And then those 3 mirrors in a stripe. This should give:
- reliability of mirroring
- capacity of 3 18GB drives on one single volume
- speed increase of 3x because the data is spread over 3 scsi busses instead of all having to go over just one.

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I'm sure some people will go give that a try. Including me :)

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Can I just say...:


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The 5Dwm project looks very nice to me. It will make the step to linux for sgi systems a little bit easier :) I'm definitely going to try it out (on ia32 ofcourse)

Maybe I'll even port it to irix!


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Wish I was that far already.

For some weird reason, the packages that first did compile on my system, now don't. I get the strangest errors so this is quite blocking me in my progress on anything.

I hope I don't have to reinstall my server.

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I'm definitely going to continue to work on this WHEN I GET MY SYSTEM TO ACT NORMAL $&#*($%#!%#!

I fear I will have to do a complete reinstall of the f*cker since the errors I am getting are just not explainable :-((
So I'll get into that on saturday, but untill then I can't do shit. grmbl :(

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andreas@rootprompt wrote:
The Keeper wrote: SE/SSE TRAMs are newer and possibly better designed; I haven't seen any bad SE/SSE TRAMs yet.

I have - but it doesn't happen too often.

Ah! So it's the SE/SSI TRAM's that are so buggy. That gives me some relief since I'm always worried my MXE will suddenly break. Thanks :)
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I have build Qt 3.3.1 n32 mips4 r12k with high optimization last night.
No dependencies. Built with Mips Pro 7.41.

So if anyone is interested ... :)
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I'll build inst packages of it when I'm at home.

Every package I build will be built with Mips Pro 7.41 and these flags:

Code: Select all

DEFAULTS = -DEFAULT:abi=n32:isa=mips4:proc=r12k:platform=ip30
CFLAGS = -Ofast
PREFIX = /opt/local

Or if IPA fails, a bit changed:

Code: Select all

CFLAGS = -O3 -OPT:Olimit=0:roundoff=3:div_split=ON:alias=typed
CXXFLAGS = -O3 -OPT:Olimit=0:roundoff=3:div_split=ON:alias=typed

Last night I built gettext, bash, wget, qt-x11-free-3.3.1, qt-x11-free-3.3.1-mt

This reinstall of the O200 makes it work much smoother indeed. Yahoo :)

If I build inst packages for those, can I upload them somewhere on the nekochan server, or should I host them myself somewhere ? There will be loads more to come.
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nekonoko wrote: Sure, I can set up a contrib folder for you. The server has plenty of storage space.

Nice. Then please do so :-)
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I vote for both 3 and 4, although I will only build mips4 myself, which is already taking so much of my precious time.

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cosmos: you should change your nick to sarcasmos :-P

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