Well after getting some of my anime promo dvds that I got with NewType mags. Found some new anime shows that I like.
Have any one seen any good anime lately? - Page 2
planetes about some space garbage disposers... starts goofy, gets goofier, then, and a friend of mine says is logically explained all in a scene where some suits dismiss something offhand, turns moral... then the ending is a little turbulent in the "too little explanation" sorta way IMHO. anyway good anime, some loose ends though.
I remember Karin. It was a good show until EATV stopped streaming it.
I then moved on to Pita ten and Zegapain.
I then moved on to Pita ten and Zegapain.

I rember when TechTV had Anime Unleash. Some good anime. Till G4TV bought them. Got rid of The Screensavers, Call for Help, etc. But keep Xplay. DAMN YOU G4TV.
Also remember when Toonami was on weekdays in the afternoon, Midnight (The Midnite Run), and on Saturday mornings (The Rishing Sun). They had Cowboy Bebop, Gundam Wing, Dragon Ball Z, Salior Moon, Hamtaro, adn so on....
-Sign- Miss the good old days.
Also remember when Toonami was on weekdays in the afternoon, Midnight (The Midnite Run), and on Saturday mornings (The Rishing Sun). They had Cowboy Bebop, Gundam Wing, Dragon Ball Z, Salior Moon, Hamtaro, adn so on....
-Sign- Miss the good old days.
Actually, I enjoyed reading manga and watching anime called
Hikaru No Go
I can provide link to manga (comics) series of this anime, but I don't know whether it's legal here in forums. (The thing is, that manga was free at beginning, but after some time few companies bought rights for manga in their countries. So now sharing this manga is legal in some countries, but is not in some others.
I can provide link to manga (comics) series of this anime, but I don't know whether it's legal here in forums. (The thing is, that manga was free at beginning, but after some time few companies bought rights for manga in their countries. So now sharing this manga is legal in some countries, but is not in some others.

Well, Im going to try to keep my anime list small for now (just the buying pary, just like I need to do with buying computers).
So here is my list of anime series that Im going to buy, (for now).
Love Hina
Cowboy Bebop
Ghost in the Shell
Desert Punk
Last Exile
So here is my list of anime series that Im going to buy, (for now).
Love Hina
Cowboy Bebop
Ghost in the Shell
Desert Punk
Last Exile
Ok, ok, I just started watching Inuyasha because my fiance, sister, and everybody else I know who is into pen and paper D&D has pretty much demanded that I watch it.
I must say, I am on the third season and I am impressed. Very impressed.
Action, humor, fantasy.... and demons. Sweet.
Alright, back to work!
I must say, I am on the third season and I am impressed. Very impressed.
Action, humor, fantasy.... and demons. Sweet.
Alright, back to work!

VenomousPinecone wrote:
Ok, ok, I just started watching Inuyasha because my fiance, sister, and everybody else I know who is into pen and paper D&D has pretty much demanded that I watch it.
I must say, I am on the third season and I am impressed. Very impressed.
Action, humor, fantasy.... and demons. Sweet.
Alright, back to work!
I must say, I am on the third season and I am impressed. Very impressed.
Action, humor, fantasy.... and demons. Sweet.
Alright, back to work!

Inu is ok to watch on TV. But I wont buy it due how long and DVDs there are.
Gray Fox wrote:
Anime fourm seens kind of dead. So... Have you seen any good anime lately. I dont get that much time to watch anime anymore.
Not until winter and summer break comes.

Time, the thing we are all slave to lol, Ive been kinder the same, but here and there I manage to get some in (24h days are not fun though lol)
Alteredninth wrote:
I've just seen the new Final Fantasy movie Advent Children. I haven't played the game series so I came to it cold. I saw the first movie but i know it has nothing to do with the games (or the second movie). All i can say is WOW! Easily the best CGI I've ever seen. Makes the first one look like tom and jerry
It probably makes a lot more sense to people who are familiar to the universe but i enjoyed it anyway. wonder if they used SGI machines on this one?

It probably makes a lot more sense to people who are familiar to the universe but i enjoyed it anyway. wonder if they used SGI machines on this one?
Advent Children was really cool, I enjoyed it alot too, hmm made on SGI prob not sadly though I did watch the making of that mentioned somethings about maya, so though its a possablity I more think Macs than SGI atm.
Another cool CGI based film was the remake of Appleseed and GiTS 2, I enjoyed them better. GiTS 2 is visually outstanding, shame I felt it lacked the depth of the manga both in GiTS 2 and Appleseed's cases.
Gray Fox wrote:
voth wrote:
Gray Fox,
Why not just do a random download of a episode/series and play it by ear, that's how I found a lot of interesting series.
Why not just do a random download of a episode/series and play it by ear, that's how I found a lot of interesting series.
I wish that I could, but i have dial-up.

Awwwww, -wishes she was able to pass you my cable- another good one (well I think anyway) is Bleach and since I got the box set for my birthday Ive rediscovered .Hack.
If you can, check them out =^..^=
nekomusume wrote:
Gray Fox wrote:
voth wrote:
Gray Fox,
Why not just do a random download of a episode/series and play it by ear, that's how I found a lot of interesting series.
Why not just do a random download of a episode/series and play it by ear, that's how I found a lot of interesting series.
I wish that I could, but i have dial-up.

Awwwww, -wishes she was able to pass you my cable- another good one (well I think anyway) is Bleach and since I got the box set for my birthday Ive rediscovered .Hack.
If you can, check them out =^..^=
Thanks. But I just got DSL about 5 months ago. lol. But when I move, Ill have cable Internet. I didn't really care for .Hack and Bleach is ok. They have it airing on Toonami on Saturday nights.
Not too long ago I seen the first part of Akira. I wish I could finish watching it. For an anime from the 80's, it's pretty good, oh hell its more then pretty good. Its Damn Good.
Gray Fox wrote:
For an anime from the 80's, it's pretty good
What's wrong with anime from the 80's? Some of the best stuff came out then - certainly most of my favorites. Ah well, kids these days

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nekonoko wrote:
Gray Fox wrote:
For an anime from the 80's, it's pretty good
What's wrong with anime from the 80's? Some of the best stuff came out then - certainly most of my favorites. Ah well, kids these days

lol! here here, got to worship 80's anime

Nothing wrong with oldskool anime, I love it. One thing I dont really understand is that when Pokemon first came out people watched it and started to watch more anime that they see on Cartoon Network. They only had like 2-3 older animes on. But at school people that like anime dont like the older ones. Or they only watch anime that comes to America.
Gray Fox wrote:
Nothing wrong with oldskool anime, I love it. One thing I dont really understand is that when Pokemon first came out people watched it and started to watch more anime that they see on Cartoon Network. They only had like 2-3 older animes on. But at school people that like anime dont like the older ones. Or they only watch anime that comes to America.
Cartoon Network = 4kids "implementation" channel?
doesn't the USA editions have the 4kids work over (aka no risky screens/Dumbed down storylines, no "risky" language)?
nekomusume wrote:
Gray Fox wrote:
Nothing wrong with oldskool anime, I love it. One thing I dont really understand is that when Pokemon first came out people watched it and started to watch more anime that they see on Cartoon Network. They only had like 2-3 older animes on. But at school people that like anime dont like the older ones. Or they only watch anime that comes to America.
Cartoon Network = 4kids "implementation" channel?
doesn't the USA editions have the 4kids work over (aka no risky screens/Dumbed down storylines, no "risky" language)?
Ya Cartoon Network does that. Unless You have the Action Channel (its one of the Stars movie channels) That have some hardcore anime. NC17 and M ratings. Use to watch Hellsing on the channel. America likes to edit some of the animes.
Plus they edit the mos stupid things like food, logos, smoking, and etc.
The edited version of Pokémon. Ash Ketchum is carrying a submarine sandwich.
The unedited version. Satoshi is carrying an Onigiri, a food item unfamiliar to most Americans.
The unedited version. Satoshi is carrying an Onigiri, a food item unfamiliar to most Americans.
One Piece. The original Japanese version is on the right (with a villain, Helmeppo, threatening another character, Coby, with a handgun), while the censored version is on the left (with Helmeppo holding a hammer attached to a spring.)
In some instances Japanese studios have refused to allow their work to be censored as a precondition of signing a US release contracts.
Gray Fox wrote:
nekomusume wrote:
Gray Fox wrote:
Nothing wrong with oldskool anime, I love it. One thing I dont really understand is that when Pokemon first came out people watched it and started to watch more anime that they see on Cartoon Network. They only had like 2-3 older animes on. But at school people that like anime dont like the older ones. Or they only watch anime that comes to America.
Cartoon Network = 4kids "implementation" channel?
doesn't the USA editions have the 4kids work over (aka no risky screens/Dumbed down storylines, no "risky" language)?
Ya Cartoon Network does that. Unless You have thee Actions Channel (its on of the Stars movie channels) That have some hardcore anime. NC17 and M ratings. Use to watch Hellsing on the channel. America likes to edit some of the animes.
Plus they edit the mos stupid things like food, logos, smoking, and etc.
The edited version of Pokémon. Ash Ketchum is carrying a submarine sandwich.
The unedited version. Satoshi is carrying an Onigiri, a food item unfamiliar to most Americans.
The unedited version. Satoshi is carrying an Onigiri, a food item unfamiliar to most Americans.
One Piece. The original Japanese version is on the right (with a villain, Helmeppo, threatening another character, Coby, with a handgun), while the censored version is on the left (with Helmeppo holding a hammer attached to a spring.)
In some instances Japanese studios have refused to allow their work to be censored as a precondition of signing a US release contracts.
I still lol at the local book store refusing to sell the unedited edition of Ghost in the shell manga, the unedited edition if I recall as some slight lesbian scenes in. yet the same store sells hentai >_>
I still lol at the local book store refusing to sell the unedited edition of Ghost in the shell manga, the unedited edition if I recall as some slight lesbian scenes in. yet the same store sells hentai >_>
Wow, that's mess up.
I bought Love Hina Vol 1 Manga and my sister got all pissed at me saying I'm sick for buying a book with that "filth" in it. I was old enough to buy it. I also show her he age rating on it too. She end up messing up the manga for me. Its got some small rips because she used sticky notes as book marks to the "bad" parts she didnt like and also hidden it from me and end up bending it. That really pissed me off. I told her to stop destroying my stuff because I dont have the money to get new stuff like she does.
Items lost/messed up due to my sister
Love Hina Vol 1 Manga
Dell Computer
2 Monitors
3-5 Keyboards
5-8 Mice
Super Nintendo
N64 Game
20in SGI Monitor
SGI Indy
Mac 6500
Bent to Hell Desk
2 stacks of blank CDs
NewType Mags
Anime Posters
and the list goes on...
Just gotta love my sister.
Items lost/messed up due to my sister
Love Hina Vol 1 Manga
Dell Computer
2 Monitors
3-5 Keyboards
5-8 Mice
Super Nintendo
N64 Game
20in SGI Monitor
SGI Indy
Mac 6500
Bent to Hell Desk
2 stacks of blank CDs
NewType Mags
Anime Posters
and the list goes on...
Just gotta love my sister.
Gray Fox wrote:
I bought Love Hina Vol 1 Manga and my sister got all pissed at me saying I'm sick for buying a book with that "filth" in it. I was old enough to buy it. I also show her he age rating on it too. She end up messing up the manga for me. Its got some small rips because she used sticky notes as book marks to the "bad" parts she didnt like and also hidden it from me and end up bending it. That really pissed me off. I told her to stop destroying my stuff because I dont have the money to get new stuff like she does.
Just gotta love my sister.
Just gotta love my sister.
aww, sounds like my ex boyfriend. He tossed out my old OM 10 camera, burned all of my CU amiga stuff (oh didnt I say I was/am a diehard amiga fan), wrecked my guitar and amp (that was the last straw, it was a 70's Strat!!) as well as leaving me with a phone bill for when he phoned ..... you know hmmm lines ... (well am a geek, I actually care more about my old band and my computers than sex), sad I know but for me its messy and stressful >_>