foetz wrote:
i just happened to read the intro on the page with the prisms pics and noticed what a n00b that guy is. typical ipad kiddy.
Same here, I also became uninterested in the ‘accompanying texts’ after reading into the first paragraphs (although I did amazingly finish reading through it, somehow). Only the screenshots were of value to me.
if it doesn't look like on the iphone it's automatically ancient and bad. not a single word about the actual operation of the program but instead just dumb and superficial phrases.
Notice that he did model his (if you ask me, bulky, bland and unimpressive) ‘render farm’ after Google's first ‘production servers’. I mean, that was roughly from the same time period, wasn't it? I don't see him knocking that for being old and unwieldy. Unlike PRISMS, a very well-made, excellently thought out and robust software package, it was rather ‘ghetto’ rigged. I guess he must have a good reason for his double standards, or my value judgment just happens to differ
a bit
I also noticed that he's from here, but didn't see an education listed. Reminds me of what almost happened to me, as it almost seems he didn't finish his study(?), when I was offered by C.O.R.E. DP to come work for them before I had finished my study (which I declined at the time). I guess, if my suspicion is correct, he'd prove once that not having an education isn't ‘the end’ in terms of job/career opportunities and especially in this line of work... (I later then also made the stupid mistake of pursuing an IT/ICT study, amongst a few things, to ‘diversify’ my curriculum vitae.)
i bet if you'd just switch the gui widgets to apple defaults but change nothing else his text would be very different
Please don't give him and his ilk any ideas...
anyway don't get fooled by that article prisms is very good and unique. it's quite technical and doesn't follow the usual usage mechanisms.
Actually, isn't Houdini even also
a few features and functionalities, like the PRISMS morphing tools? I certainly don't remember seeing them in any Houdini, both old and new, ever since.
it's not for everyone and some people never liked it; not back then and not today but if used right it'll serve you well in many ways
It's too bad nobody can use it anymore, I for one would love to try it (especially a N32 release). I guess I've permanently missed my chance, years ago...