chervarium wrote:
You should not come to me on an interview with a CCNA only as I
hire you.
Yes, it does not look good if you only have a cisco cert. Well, I have a BS CS from NM Tech. The main point of getting the cert is to a) learn some more about networking, and b) make me stand out a little more when applying for a job. Despite occasional thoughts of leaving the nation, I will be looking for a job in the U.S., probably somewhere in Colorado but outside of the cities. I know, if you don't do the Denver corder it is hard to find much there, but I will try. So don't need to worry about my coming to you with just a cisco cert. However, if I hear of anyone your area with just a cisco cert I will send them your way

Anyway, I have another question: what is the best way to get some practice? I have been messing with the books & the netsim LE software that came with the books. However, I really need to do more than just read the book & have netsim LE tell me to upgrade to the full version when I try to do something. Some people seem to be able to get it by just reading the book, but I am not one of them. I need to do a lot more real stuff to really learn it. I can do a job given the book and some time, but they don't let you use the book on the exam...
After deciding that the book was not enough I checked into taking a class. The only place that I found near Socorro (in this case, in Albuquerque) offers a typical prerecorded class & simulated lab setup, with a T.A. They have a few real routers to goof with, but not enough to do full labs on real hardware. The class is 10 3.5 hour sections. There setup would probably work, except for the price; they want $2595 for it. Discounting room & board, a semester at NM Tech costs less...
This leaves me with the conclusion that I am probably best off buying some simulation software. I don't like the Boson NetSim, LE, though many of my problems are due to the fact that it is always trying to get me to upgrade. Also, I use a Mac at home for my primary computer, and have to run the thing under virtual PC, which is annoying. It is tempting not to buy anything from them because of this, but getting the certification done is more important.
What would you recommend for practice? Should I buy the full version of the Boson NetSim, or something else? Is there a better way to do it?