I've got a proper serial terminal that looks just like that. It's a Televideo 924 terminal
If anyone wants it let me know. It's in the UK.

Re-install with OpenBSD

Code: Select all
# fetchmail
fetchmail: WARNING: Running as root is discouraged.
/usr/lib/dld.sl: Unresolved symbol: getaddrinfo (code) from fetchmail
Abort (core dumped)
Code: Select all
# chatr +s enable fetchmail
chatr(error): dl_header_ext.size != sizeof(dl_header_ext). Please update your version of the chatr tool.
current values:
shared executable
shared library dynamic path search:
SHLIB_PATH enabled second
embedded path enabled first /usr/local/lib
shared library list:
static /usr/local/lib/libintl.sl
static /usr/local/lib/libiconv.sl
dynamic /usr/local/lib/libssl.sl
dynamic /usr/local/lib/libcrypto.sl
dynamic /usr/lib/libc.2
shared library binding:
global hash table disabled
plabel caching disabled
global hash array size:1103
global hash array nbuckets:3
shared vtable support disabled
static branch prediction disabled
executable from stack: D (default)
kernel assisted branch prediction enabled
lazy swap allocation disabled
text segment locking disabled
data segment locking disabled
third quadrant private data space disabled
fourth quadrant private data space disabled
data page size: D (default)
instruction page size: D (default)
new values:
shared executable
shared library dynamic path search:
SHLIB_PATH enabled second
embedded path enabled first /usr/local/lib
shared library list:
static /usr/local/lib/libintl.sl
static /usr/local/lib/libiconv.sl
dynamic /usr/local/lib/libssl.sl
dynamic /usr/local/lib/libcrypto.sl
dynamic /usr/lib/libc.2
shared library binding:
global hash table disabled
plabel caching disabled
global hash array size:1103
global hash array nbuckets:3
shared vtable support disabled
static branch prediction disabled
executable from stack: D (default)
kernel assisted branch prediction enabled
lazy swap allocation disabled
text segment locking disabled
data segment locking disabled
third quadrant private data space disabled
fourth quadrant private data space disabled
data page size: D (default)
instruction page size: D (default)
Code: Select all
# /opt/ignite/bin/print_manifest
System Information
Your Hewlett-Packard computer has software installed and
configured as follows.
The system was created December 31, 1969, 19:41:29 EST.
It was created with Ignite-UX revision C.7.9.260.
NOTE: You should retain this information for future reference.
System Hardware
Model: 9000/785/C8000
Main Memory: 12286 MB
Graphics: ATI Fire GL X1 color 0x0 48 planes
Processors: 4
Proccesor(0) Speed: 1100 MHz
Proccesor(1) Speed: 1100 MHz
Proccesor(2) Speed: 1100 MHz
Proccesor(3) Speed: 1100 MHz
OS mode: 64 bit
LAN hardware ID: 0x00110A317A61
Software ID: Z56bb5389fb0d1eba
Keyboard Language: USB_PS2_DIN_UK_English
Storage devices HW Path Interface
COMPAQ BF07288576 69464 Mb 0/2/1/0.5.0 SCSI Ultra320 A6961-60011
HL-DT-STCD-RW GCE-8486B 0/3/2/ IDE
COMPAQ BF07285A36 69464 Mb 0/2/1/0.6.0 SCSI Ultra320 A6961-60011
I/O Interfaces
Class H/W Path Driver Description
ext_bus 0/2/1/0 mpt SCSI Ultra320 A6961-60011
ext_bus 0/2/1/1 mpt SCSI Ultra320 A6961-60011
usb 0/3/1/0 hcd NEC USB Interface
usb 0/3/1/1 hcd NEC USB Interface
usb 0/3/1/2 ehci NEC USB Interface
sideba 0/3/2/0 side_ba CMD IDE controller
ext_bus 0/3/2/0.0 side IDE
ext_bus 0/3/2/0.1 side IDE
lan 0/3/3/0 iether HP PCI 1000Base-T Built-in
audio 0/3/5/0 audio Plug-in PCI Audio
graphics 0/4/0/0 gvid_core AGP Display (10024e47)
graphics 0/4/0/1 gvid_core PCI Display (10024e67)
ipmi 16 ipmi IPMI Controller
tty 17 asio0 Built-in RS232C
tty 18 asio0 Built-in RS232C
Installed Software
Your system was installed with HP-UX version B.11.11.
Your system has the following software products installed and
configured on the system disk drive(s).
Product Revision Description
B6848BA 1.4.gm.46.13 Ximian GNOME 1.4 GTK+ Libraries for HP-UX
B9073BA B. iCOD Instant Capacity (iCAP)
BUNDLE11i B.11.11.0306.1 Required Patch Bundle for HP-UX 11i, June 2003
Base-VXVM B.03.50.5 Base VERITAS Volume Manager Bundle 3.5 for HP-UX
CDE-ChineseS B.11.11.0412 Simplified Chinese CDE Environment
CDE-ChineseT B.11.11.0412 Traditional Chinese CDE Environment
CDE-English B.11.11.0412 English CDE Environment
CDE-French B.11.11.0412 French CDE Environment
CDE-German B.11.11.0412 German CDE Environment
CDE-Italian B.11.11.0412 Italian CDE Environment
CDE-Japanese B.11.11.0412 Japanese CDE Environment
CDE-Korean B.11.11.0412 Korean CDE Environment
CDE-Spanish B.11.11.0412 Spanish CDE Environment
CDE-Swedish B.11.11.0412 Swedish CDE Environment
FDDI-00 B.11.11.02 PCI FDDI;Supptd HW=A3739A/A3739B;SW=J3626AA
FEATURE11-11 B.11.11.0209.5 Feature Enablement Patches for HP-UX 11i, Sept 2002
FIREFOX Firefox for HP-UX
FIREFOXsrc Firefox Source distribution
FibrChanl-00 B.11.11.13 PCI/HSC FibreChannel;Supptd HW=A6684A,A6685A,A5158A,A6795A
FibrChanl-01 B.11.11.10 FibreChannel;HW=A6826A,A9782A,A9784A,AB378A/B,AB379A/B,AB465A,AD193A,AD194A
GTK GTK+ 2.6 The Gnome GUI Runtime Toolkit
GTKsrc Gtk Source distribution
GigEther-00 B.11.11.19 PCI/HSC GigEther;Supptd HW=A4926A/A4929A/A4924A/A4925A;SW=J1642AA
GigEther-01 B.11.11.23 PCI/PCI-X GigEther;Supptd HW=A6794A/A6825A/A6847A/A9782A/A9784A/A7109A/AB465A
HPUX11i-TCOE B.11.11.0612 HP-UX Technical Computing OE Component
HPUXBase64 B.11.11 HP-UX 64-bit Base OS
HPUXBaseAux B.11.11.0612 HP-UX Base OS Auxiliary
HWEnable11i B.11.11.0612.458 Hardware Enablement Patches for HP-UX 11i v1, December 2006
IEther-00 B.11.11.13 PCI/PCI-X IEther;Supptd HW=A7011/A7012/AB352/AB290/AB545/AD193/AD194/AD331/AD332
ISEEPlatform A.03.95.500.41 ISEE Platform
J4269AA B.04.00.02 LDAP-UX Integration
Java15JDK Java 1.5 JDK for HP-UX
Java15JDKadd Java 1.5 JDK -AA addon for HP-UX
Java15JRE Java 1.5 JRE for HP-UX
Java15JREadd Java 1.5 JRE -AA addon for HP-UX
MOZILLA Mozilla for HP-UX
MOZILLAsrc Mozilla Source distribution
NParCmds A.01.03 Enhanced NPartition Commands
OnlineDiag B. HPUX 11.11 Support Tools Bundle, Dec 2006
OpenSSL A.00.09.07i.012 Secure Network Communications Protocol
ParMgr B. Partition Manager - HP-UX
RAID-00 B.11.11.01 PCI RAID; Supptd HW=A5856A
RAID-01 B.11.11.0609 RAID SA; Supptd HW=A7143A/A9890A/A9891A
SysFaultMgmt A. HPUX 11.11 System Fault Management
SysMgmtWeb A.2.2.5 HP-UX Web Based System Management User Interfaces
T1456AA Java2 1.4 SDK for HP-UX
T1456AAaddon Java2 1.4 SDK -AA addon for HP-UX
T1457AA Java2 1.4 RTE for HP-UX
T1457AAaddon Java2 1.4 RTE -AA addon for HP-UX
T1458AA Java2 1.4 Netscape Plugin for HP-UX
T1471AA A.04.30.006 HP-UX Secure Shell
TBIRD Thunderbird for HP-UX
TBIRDsrc Thunderbird Source distribution
UtilProvider A. HP-UX Utilization Provider
WBEMSvcs A.02.05 HP WBEM Services for HP-UX
hpuxwsApache A. HP-UX Apache-based Web Server
hpuxwsTomcat A. HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine
hpuxwsWebmin A.1.070.08 HP-UX Webmin-based Admin
hpuxwsXml A.2.00 HP-UX XML Web Server Tools
nParProvider B. nPartition Provider - HP-UX
perl D.5.8.8.B 5.8.8 Perl Programming Language
scsiU320-00 B.11.11.0612.01 PCI-X SCSI U320; Supptd HW=A7173A/AB290A
vParProvider B. vPar Provider - HP-UX
GConf 2.22.0 GConf
ImageMagick ImageMagick
Mesa 7.4.4 Mesa
ORBit2 2.14.19 ORBit2
SDL 1.2.15 SDL
aalib 1.4.0 aalib
apr 1.5.0 apr
apr_util 1.5.3 apr_util
ascpu 1.9 ascpu
atk 2.8.0 atk
audiofile 0.2.7 audiofile
babl 0.1.10 babl
bash 4.3.033 bash
bison 2.7.1 bison
bzip2 1.0.6 bzip2
cairo 1.12.16 cairo
calc 1.01 calc
catdoc 0.94.3 catdoc
cftp 0.12 cftp
chbg 1.5 chbg
coreutils 8.22 coreutils
cpio 2.11 cpio
cups 1.7.1 cups
curl 7.34.0 curl
cyrus_sasl 2.1.26 cyrus_sasl
db 6.0.20 db
depothelper 2.00 depothelper
di 4.34 di
dillo 0.8.5 dillo
editline 2.9 editline
enchant 1.6.0 enchant
esound 0.2.41 esound
expat 2.1.0 expat
fetchmail 6.3.26 fetchmail
filezilla 3.0.4 filezilla
findutils 4.4.2 findutils
flex 2.5.37 flex
fontconfig 2.11.0 fontconfig
freetype 2.5.2 freetype
fribidi2 0.19.2 fribidi2
gcc 4.2.3 gcc
gdbm 1.10 gdbm
gdk_pixbuf 2.28.2 gdk_pixbuf
gegl 0.2.0 gegl
gettext gettext
gftp 2.0.19 gftp
ghostscript 9.06.0 ghostscript
gimp 2.8.10 gimp
glib 1.2.10 glib
glib2 2.34.3 glib2
gliv 1.9.7 gliv
gmp 5.0.5 gmp
gnumeric 1.12.9 gnumeric
gnupg 2.0.22 gnupg
gnutls 3.2.9 gnutls
goffice 0.10.9 goffice
gqview 2.0.4 gqview
grep 2.16 grep
groff 1.22.2 groff
gtk+ 1.2.10 gtk+
gtk+2 2.24.22 gtk+2
gtk+3 3.6.4 gtk+3
gtkglext 1.2.0 gtkglext
gutenprint 5.2.9 gutenprint
gzip 1.6 gzip
harfbuzz 0.9.25 harfbuzz
heimdal 1.5.2 heimdal
imlib 1.9.15 imlib
intltool 0.50.2 intltool
jasper 1.900.1 jasper
jbigkit 2.0 jbigkit
jpeg 9.0.0 jpeg
lame 3.99.5 lame
lcms 1.19 lcms
lcms2 2.5 lcms2
ldns 1.6.16 ldns
less 458 less
lesstif 0.95.2 lesstif
libIDL 0.8.14 libIDL
libXft 2.3.1 libXft
libXpm 3.5.11 libXpm
libXrender 0.9.8 libXrender
libart_lgpl 2.3.21 libart_lgpl
libassuan 2.1.1 libassuan
libcroco 0.6.8 libcroco
libffi 3.0.13 libffi
libgcc 4.2.3 libgcc
libgcrypt 1.6.0 libgcrypt
libglade 2.6.4 libglade
libgpg_error 1.12 libgpg_error
libgsf 1.14.29 libgsf
libiconv 1.14 libiconv
libidn 1.28 libidn
libksba 1.2.0 libksba
libpcap 1.5.3 libpcap
libpng 1.6.8 libpng
librsvg 2.40.1 librsvg
libtasn1 3.4 libtasn1
libtool 2.4.2 libtool
libungif 4.1.4 libungif
libunistring 0.9.3 libunistring
libwmf libwmf
libxml2 2.9.1 libxml2
lynx 2.8.7 lynx
lzlib 1.5 lzlib
lzma 4.32.7 lzma
lzo 2.06 lzo
m4 1.4.17 m4
make 4.0 make
md5 1.00 md5
mpg123 1.17.0 mpg123
mutt 1.5.21 mutt
ncurses 5.9 ncurses
neon 0.30.0 neon
nettle 2.7.1 nettle
nmap 4.76 nmap
openldap 2.4.38 openldap
openssl 1.0.2j openssl
p11_kit 0.20.1 p11_kit
p7zip 9.20.1 p7zip
pango 1.34.1 pango
pangox 0.0.2 pangox
pbzip2 1.1.8 pbzip2
pcre 8.34 pcre
pdftk 2.02 pdftk
pdftohtml 0.39 pdftohtml
perl 5.10.1 perl
pigz 2.3.1 pigz
pine 4.64 pine
pinentry 0.8.3 pinentry
pixman 0.32.4 pixman
pkgconfig 0.28 pkgconfig
plzip 0.9 plzip
popt 1.16 popt
procmail 3.22 procmail
pth 2.0.7 pth
python 2.7.6 python
qpdf 3.0.2 qpdf
readline 6.2.005 readline
rsync 3.1.0 rsync
screen 4.0.3 screen
sed 4.2.2 sed
sitecopy 0.16.6 sitecopy
sqlite 3.8.2 sqlite
subversion 1.8.5 subversion
sylpheed 3.3.0 sylpheed
t1lib 5.1.2 t1lib
tcpdump 4.5.1 tcpdump
tcsh 6.18.01 tcsh
termcap 1.3.1 termcap
tiff 4.0.3 tiff
unbound 1.4.21 unbound
unzip 6.0 unzip
uudeview 0.5.20 uudeview
vim 7.4 vim
wget 1.15 wget
which 2.20 which
wxGTK 2.8.12 wxGTK
xinvest 2.6.9 xinvest
xpaint 2.7.0 xpaint
xpdf 3.03 xpdf
xterm 301 xterm
xz 5.0.5 xz
zip 3.0 zip
zlib 1.2.8 zlib
LVM File System Configuration
This system is configured with Logical Volume Manager (LVM) file systems.
Refer to the File System layout section for information on the LVM layout.
JFS File System Configuration
This system is configured with a Journaled File System (referred to
as either JFS or VXFS). Refer to the File System layout section for
information on JFS/VXFS file systems.
Disk layout
LVM disk Device file HW Addr size vol. grp
COMPAQ BF07285A36 /dev/dsk/c0t6d0 0/2/1/0.6.0 69464 /dev/vg00
COMPAQ BF07288576 /dev/dsk/c0t5d0 0/2/1/0.5.0 69464 /dev/vg00
File System layout
LVM Device file mount point size fs type
/dev/vg00/lvol1 /stand 304 hfs
/dev/vg00/lvol2 swap 4096
/dev/vg00/lvol3 / 208 vxfs
/dev/vg00/lvol4 /tmp 4048 vxfs
/dev/vg00/lvol5 /home 40000 vxfs
/dev/vg00/lvol6 /opt 10000 vxfs
/dev/vg00/lvol7 /usr 50000 vxfs
/dev/vg00/lvol8 /var 4608 vxfs
/dev/vg00 unallocated 25616
Swap configuration
type size priority device/location
dev 4096 1 /dev/vg00/lvol2
Kernel Configuration
The following drivers or parameters are configured into your system's
kernel. After installing HP-UX, use the sam(1m) command to configure
the following items into the kernel:
create_fastlinks 1
dbc_max_pct 20
dbc_min_pct 20
default_disk_ir 1
dnlc_hash_locks 512
hfs_max_ra_blocks 20
hfs_max_revra_blocks 20
hfs_ra_per_disk 256
hfs_revra_per_disk 256
max_thread_proc 2048
maxdsiz 3221225472
maxdsiz_64bit 274877906944
maxfiles 2048
maxfiles_lim 2048
maxssiz 100610048
maxssiz_64bit 1073741824
maxswapchunks 16384
maxtsiz 1073741824
maxtsiz_64bit 4294967296
maxuprc 3277
maxvgs 80
msgmap 5122
msgmax 32768
msgmnb 65536
msgmni 512
msgseg 20480
msgssz 128
msgtql 5120
nfile 8192
nflocks 2048
ninode 8192
nkthread 6000
nproc 4096
npty 200
nstrpty 200
nswapdev 25
semmni 4096
semmns 8192
semmnu 4092
semume 512
shmmax 1073741824
shmmni 512
shmseg 512
vps_ceiling 64
vx_fancyra_enable 1
vx_ncsize 8000
System Information
The following parameters were set on the configured target:
hostname: hpux
IP address:
subnet mask:
gateway IP address:
time zone: GMT0BST
DNS domain name: internal
DNS IP address: