Happy birthday!

ajerimez wrote: I'll bet Overdrives would scream
ajerimez wrote: The CPUs have 512Kb L2 cache, which is the maximum that the Intel PR440FX motherboard can handle. It's a decent board though, with integrated SCSI, 10/100 ethernet and audio.
ajerimez wrote: The PR440FX can make use of 1mb cache processors? I've read conflicting reports on the newsgroups - either it won't boot with them, or it won't utilize more than 512kb of the cache, or that it works great. Could depend on the mobo and bios revisions. Unfortunately I don't have 1mb cache processors to test with, and I'm reluctant to spend $ on them if they might not work well.
ajerimez wrote: Also, according to the manual the PR440FX can only take up to 512MB of memory in four 128MB ECC EDO dimms. You have 1Gb running in yours? Does it work well?
mapesdhs wrote: ramq writes:
> rather a misconfigured(?) Apache webserver that denys access to any webpage on that site.
So it's the site itself that is at fault? I'm confused, how does that result in users in certain locations not being
able to access the site, while it works ok for everyone else?
jpstewart wrote: Hello, everyone. I'm a newcomer here. Actually, I'm a long time lurker who has finally decided to come out of the shadows and join into the discussions. I used to be somewhat active in the comp.sys.sgi.* newsgroups 8-10 years ago. My Indigo2 was set aside for a number of years, but I've been playing with it again lately. (Amazingly, after five years in storage it booted up just fine!) I thought I'd introduce my Indigo2 now:
skywriter wrote: I always found the web to be a pointless distraction.
nekonoko wrote:jan-jaap wrote: Not really, but there's another way: if you engage that breaker switch and you hear a fan humming inside before you flip the on/off switch on the front you have a PowerOne PSU. If not, you have a Cherokee PSU.
Since this is a 'late' Crimson (original configuration R4400 + RE) my guess is it has the Cherokee PSU.
A fan does come on as soon as the breaker switch on the PSU is flipped on, so it must be a PowerOne. Once the front panel switch is flipped the others roar to life. The manufacture date on the card cage door is 12/94.
nekonoko wrote: I call that a bargain![]()
Yeah, that was my thinking as well - certainly didn't haggle on the asking price![]()