hamei wrote:
We need a decent browser. All the users of older hardware need a decent browser. This is the largest, most pressing need for anyone with slower hardware, yet we get Fireflop 3 and nothing but lies from the Fireflop group.
There is no easter bunny
I would argue we need a new internet!
With all the adds, shit video and pop-ups, it's just one big flippin' advertising cesspit.
I still believe to this day that if code was optimised and shitty routines weren't the norm things would run as well on 1/10th speed machines. Bring back the 90's!
I use Maya 2011, the only good thing that's happened since version 6 is the implementation of QT interface...the rest if bloat. (I also use AutoCAD 2010...It's all shit! What the hell has changed in 10 years?!)
I have little belief in Open Source, the principle is all very saintly, but for a daily desktop machine the hodge-podge of apps is just embarrassing. (Based on my ArchLinux experience)
Back to my beer!