Miscellaneous Operating Systems/Hardware

NeXT at the Olympics - Page 2

kramlq wrote: Its great attention to detail I think..

Oi, I s'pose only 'murricans would catch the reference to a black computer being "integrated" for T B-L. So you can laugh to yourselves about how the great unwashed misses the cosmic significance of Mr Berners-Lee's contribution to Knowledge, but y'all miss the hilarity of his suppliers "integrating" a black computer.

Which group is lacking in knowledge ? Everyone knows a lot about something and not very much about everything else. When do the flying people come bringing money ?

josehill wrote: Black Hole's website is pushing the limits of what a NeXT web browser can handle.

It's not absolutely necessary to have all that modern crap, jose. They could do a plain-jane html site and make it attractive and work well.
hamei wrote: It's not absolutely necessary to have all that modern crap, jose. They could do a plain-jane html site and make it attractive and work well.

Don't make me break out the blink tags! I will use them! I don't care who gets hurt!!!
josehill wrote: Don't make me break out the blink tags! I will use them! I don't care who gets hurt!!!

Ha ha, html doesn't <blink>work</blink> here, nananner nanner :P

Just think how we could change history if we could go back in time ... smash netcrap before it began. Send Guido over to Bernie Lee's house to encourage him to re-think that www fiasco. And last but definitely not least, the bozo who invented voicemail could spend eternity chatting with Jimmy Hoffa. Heaven on earth ......
josehill wrote:
GL1zdA wrote:
kramlq wrote: ... from NeXT specialists http://www.blackholeinc.com/

With worst webmasters I've ever seen. Their HTML/Webdesign skills are an insult to NeXT...

Keep in mind that their target users are NeXT enthusiasts. The current web browser situation on NeXT is even worse than it is on IRIX! Black Hole's website is pushing the limits of what a NeXT web browser can handle.

By doing it in Word 2007?

Code: Select all

<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name=ProgId content=Word.Document>
<meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Word 12">
<meta name=Originator content="Microsoft Word 12">
<link rel=File-List href="index_files/filelist.xml">
<link rel=Edit-Time-Data href="index_files/editdata.mso">
<!--[if !mso]>
... and here 600 lines of MS specific code

And the fake navigation menu on the left? I thought Firefox had some issues, but after looking at the source I realized there really are no links there - this is like slapping Tim Berners-Lee in the face.
:PI: :Indigo: :Indigo: :Indigo: :Indy: :Indy: :Indigo2: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Fuel: :540: Image
GL1zdA wrote: By doing it in Word 2007?

Code: Select all

<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name=ProgId content=Word.Document>
<meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Word 12">
<meta name=Originator content="Microsoft Word 12">

hey GL1, c'mon, man ... this is a post-modern world where everything is an imitation of a reconstruction of a myth dancing naked in some yuppie's latte-addled imagination. You wouldn't want the superhuman NeXT people to have to use a NeXT application, would you ? That shit's like ooold , d00d !
Okay, that hurt. MS Word 12? Jeez...

You guys win.

Crap. All this time, maybe Hamei really has been right about everything. Everything!

I was supposed to head to NYC tomorrow to hobnob with some tech investor types. I think I'm going to stock up on canned goods instead.
josehill wrote: I was supposed to head to NYC tomorrow to hobnob with some tech investor types. I think I'm going to stock up on canned goods instead.

Image Image
Then? :IRIS3130: ... Now? :O3x02L: :A3504L: - :A3502L: :1600SW: +MLA :Fuel: :Octane2: :Octane: :Indigo2IMP: ... Other: DEC :BA213: :BA123: Sun , DG AViiON , NeXT :Cube:
frankblues wrote: I should be clearer. I think Tim Berners Lee and a NeXT box (rumored to be the one he wrote the WWW browser on) at the Olympics is inherently cool.

Yes, I was pleasantly surprised to see that part. I also hoped that the NeXT machine was working; happy to learn that this was the case. :-)

frankblues wrote: That the American commentators didn't know who he was is pretty lousy.

Unfortunately, not a suprise for me. In my part of the woods, we are pretty used to clueless Americans on TV. :-/
(For the record, I know a few Americans; and all of them are good, intelligent people, they are knowledgeable about the world they live in, and friendly too. I guess the "only clueless Americans in media" is just a numbers thing.)
josehill wrote: All this time, maybe Hamei really has been right about everything.

It's okay, Jose. Don't you listen to that stupid girl. Been a long long time since you were home, nasty trip to deal with them vulture capital guys, you've got to be all worn out. Just run on in and have a nice hot bath, that'll make you feel better.

Here's a little story to entertain you while the water heats up ... an acquaintance just sent me a print to look at. I think it was kind of a test, actually. Really good part, says right on it "PRO E CAD/CAM GENERATED" so the designer guy has to be one of the smart ones doing all the high end profitable work in the US

Too bad the material is wrong, the heat treat is wrong, the process is wrong, the part is maybe not junk but it sure as hell ain't optimum.

GE part. Some control piece for a jet aircraft.

It is statistically unlikely that that is the only part on the plane designed by a kid with no real knowledge.

Think about that next time you take a trip. Does it control the flaps ? Spool up the engine ? Is it going to quit in the middle of the next take-off ?

Ha ha, just ol' hamei ranting again.

Profits, mah man. Profits and business, that's where it's at.

I wonder what Operating System Tim Berners-Lee would use today.
Martin Steen wrote: I wonder what Operating System Tim Berners-Lee would use today.

He is often seen using a Mac laptop.
josehill wrote:
Martin Steen wrote: I wonder what Operating System Tim Berners-Lee would use today.

He is often seen using a Mac laptop.

Still using a NeXT then.
5/11/11 12:58:19 AM gfxCardStatus[268] AMD Radeon HD 6750M in use. Bummer! Less battery life for you.
5/11/11 12:58:20 AM gfxCardStatus[268] Intel HD Graphics 3000 in use. Sweet deal! More battery life.
MacBook Pro 17inch 2011
Mac Mini 2010
melchez wrote: Still using a NeXT then.

Oh yeah ... like riding a twinkie Evo is the same as a shovelhead, unh-hunh.

OS X sucks, okay ? It's not NeXTStep and it ain't Unix. It's for the chiiiiiildren yuppy bullshit. Get over it.
Not sure what your definition of UNIX is, hamei, but even Mountain Lion is certified as meeting v3 of the the UNIX specification .

I don't like all of the changes in the last couple of OS X releases, particularly with GUI, and I'm not too keen on some of Apple's feature decisions and support policies, but I can still do everything that I really want to do with it, especially on the command line.

Also, when I sit down in front of my NeXTstation Turbo, it's clear that the current MacOS still has a lot of NeXT DNA, even after undergoing UI iOS'ification in the latest releases.
josehill wrote: Not sure what your definition of UNIX is, hamei, but even Mountain Lion is certified as meeting v3 of the the UNIX specification .

It can meet the Unix specification until the damned cows come home but Unix is a trademark. Trademark ... business guys should know that word, right ? Intellectual Property, all that ? There are what, four or five operating systems that are qualified to call themselves Unix. And only those four or five can legally and ethically call themselves Unix.

A Mach kernel transformed through NeXTStep into some cartoon parody of an operating system does not qualify as Unix, no matter how much noise the fanboyz make. An Arntz Cobra is still an Arntz, not a Cobra, no matter what engine is under the hood or how accurate the bodywork looks.

josehill wrote: ... I'm not too keen on some of Apple's feature decisions and support policies but I can still do everything that I really want to do with it, especially on the command line.

But NeXTStep came with development tools that made it simple for B-L to create the www. One can do anything they desire on any operating system they choose, but is it likely to happen ? On NEXTStep, it was. The system was designed for that. OS X, not so much. Apple wants consumers, purchasers, willing sheep with cash-filled pockets to shear. NeXT was oriented to scientists, researchers, technical users. Not the same. Not even similar. We live in the age of the Java interface.

Gag me with a spoon.
I couldn't believe it when I sat down at the first Mac I'd used running Lion and found out that they decided to hide the scroll bars now. They sell 27" iMacs - there's enough real estate for a scroll bar in there. Perhaps back in the days of the 9" Mac Plus it might have made sense - and now all the "me too" guys are doing it as well.

It would be interesting to hear from all the professional UI people on here about the tabletization of everything. It seems to me that forcing the (WIMP-y) PC into the (tile-y) tablet world is the same mistake in reverse that the early tablet people made of trying to make it WIMP-y (think Windows CE).
Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!

Living proof that you can't keep a blithering idiot down.

:Indigo: :Octane: :Indigo2: :Indigo2IMP: :Indy: :PI: :O3x0: :ChallengeL: :O2000R: (single-CM)
hamei wrote: OS X sucks, okay ? [...] yuppy bullshit. Get over it.

I like it. It "just works" which means I have more time to do relevant things. And stop insulting me :mrgreen:

SAQ wrote: I couldn't believe it when I sat down at the first Mac I'd used running Lion and found out that they decided to hide the scroll bars now. They sell 27" iMacs - there's enough real estate for a scroll bar in there.

They also sell 13" MacBooks. Many more of them than 27" iMacs, in fact . Who needs scroll bars when you've got a touch pad? Positioning the cursor over a tiny area on the screen, clicking & holding when a simple swipe does the same thing?
Now this is a deep dark secret, so everybody keep it quiet :)
It turns out that when reset, the WD33C93 defaults to a SCSI ID of 0, and it was simpler to leave it that way... -- Dave Olson, in comp.sys.sgi

Currently in commercial service: Image :Onyx2: (2x) :O3x02L:
In the museum : almost every MIPS/IRIX system.
Wanted : GM1 board for Professional Series GT graphics (030-0076-003, 030-0076-004)
SAQ wrote: I couldn't believe it when I sat down at the first Mac I'd used running Lion and found out that they decided to hide the scroll bars now. They sell 27" iMacs - there's enough real estate for a scroll bar in there. Perhaps back in the days of the 9" Mac Plus it might have made sense - and now all the "me too" guys are doing it as well.
Like I said, I'm not a fan of everything that Apple has been doing, and the scroll bars are good examples. You can turn them on, but it does seem to be a step backwards, imho. And don't get me started on that skeuomorphic crap in Calendar and Contacts! It almost drove me back to pen and paper!

SAQ wrote: It would be interesting to hear from all the professional UI people on here about the tabletization of everything. It seems to me that forcing the (WIMP-y) PC into the (tile-y) tablet world is the same mistake in reverse that the early tablet people made of trying to make it WIMP-y (think Windows CE).
Now that Windows 8 has gone to manufacturing, it'll be interesting to see how quickly it's adopted. I've been using the various previews, and you can add me to the list of people who think the addition of Metro to the desktop system is half-baked, at best, or downright disastrous, at worst. Too bad, really. Win7 seems like the release where MS finally got Windows "right," and Win8 feels like someone has been hitting the hallucinogens. I expect that businesses will stick with Win7 as long as possible.

As for the Apple side of things, I think the most insightful remark about it came at the end of the latest John Siracusa review of OS X over at Ars Technica: "Apple's online platform is the unifying force in its product line, not any one OS. Think of Mountain Lion as the best desktop iCloud client Apple knows how to make." One may argue about whether Apple's online platform should be the unifying force in its product line, but I do think that iCloud'ification is really what is happening to OS X, rather than simply tablet'ification. My own opinion for several years has been that Apple is trying to create the equivalent of the Star Trek environment, where you can walk up to any device, start talking to it, and get what you need from Majel Barrett's disembodied voice, and the current OS X / iOS changes are like the awkward adolescent stages on the way to reaching that scenario.
hamei wrote: But NeXTStep came with development tools that made it simple for B-L to create the www. One can do anything they desire on any operating system they choose, but is it likely to happen ? On NEXTStep, it was. The system was designed for that. OS X, not so much. Apple wants consumers, purchasers, willing sheep with cash-filled pockets to shear. NeXT was oriented to scientists, researchers, technical users. Not the same. Not even similar. We live in the age of the Java interface.

Those tools are still there in OS X, hamei. TBL used the NeXT Interface Builder to build his browser, and Interface Builder - with a clear NeXT family resemblance - is part of Apple's Xcode today. Also, we may live in the age of the Java interface, but I'm sure you know that Apple no longer includes it with OS X.
Xcode = Interface Builder + Project Builder

Prior to Xcode it was called Interface Builder and Project Builder, then Apple merge the two together shortly after the release of Xcode.

Mac OS X comes with a long line of developing tools for a wide range of skill set, on surface look at Quart Composer, node base graphical developing. We just don't see it now, the developing tools was the selling point of NeXT. OS X has a broader audience but it comes with way more tool to develop now compare to it's early NeXT days.

Cash filled pockets? What Xcode cost you now??

Mac OS X developing toolset is over looked. Outside of iOS app developing you don't hear much about folks digging into what OS X has to offer and pretty much for free (once you own a mac).
5/11/11 12:58:19 AM gfxCardStatus[268] AMD Radeon HD 6750M in use. Bummer! Less battery life for you.
5/11/11 12:58:20 AM gfxCardStatus[268] Intel HD Graphics 3000 in use. Sweet deal! More battery life.
MacBook Pro 17inch 2011
Mac Mini 2010