SlimDesktop V0.04 Available!!!
johnsmith wrote: 18MB? Wow, what's in there? All I wanted was a look at what you can do with Xdefaults.
foetz wrote:![]()
* BlenderFoundation By:
"Blender Version 2.36"
* Greg Ercolano By:
"NixieClock Version 1.41"
* NEdit.Org By:
"NEdit Version 5.5 RC1"
* Nekochan.Net "Gallery" Section By:
Background Image Designs From [RageX]
Background Image Designs From [Mis]
* Nekochan.Net "Forum" Section By:
"MPlayer" FileType Icons/Fules Files From [UnixMuseum]
* Nekochan.Net "Forum" Section By:
"Mozilla FireFox Version 1.0+" Compilated Binary Files From [Foetz]
* Nekochan.Net Owner [Nekonoko] By:
-His Whole And Generous Support With His WebSite-
* QEMU.Org By:
"QEMU Version 0.6.1" From [Fabrice Bellard]
* Silicon Graphics Global Developer Program Plus By:
-The Whole Programming Adventure On IRIX & LINUX-
* The National Center For SuperComputing Applications By:
"Video Format Compiler" Video Format Source Files From [Stuart Levy]
* YafRay.Org By:
"YafRay Version 0.06" From [Alejandro Conty Estevez / YafRay Team]
* Generatrix SlimDesktop M00~M15 V0.05 (Beta) *
* Desktop Customization Modules *
(Wed. Apr 16, 2005)
MIPS4 Based Machines From SGI (Silicon Graphics Inc.)
With 4Dwm ("The IRIS Extended Motif Window Manager") Installed And Running.
* Slim Lines Customization For 4Dwm Indigo Magic Desktop Making Full Use Of Spatial Resolution On Popular Visuals.
* Easy Setup To Multiply SGI Machines, With An Homogeneous Desktop Environment.
* Installation By Mean Of A Fully Automated IRIX TarDist Installation.
* Easier Setup Of Popular Applications That Frequently Are Not Availables In IRIX TarDist Installation Format.
* Upgrades And Enhancements Availables On A Periodical Base.
* A Perfect Companion To Get Freely Optimized Your Setup Of Generatrix Products As PartixFX And VideoTrackerRT.
* Without Any Kind Of Disturbing Promotional Add-Ons.
* Current Desktop Customization Modules:
M00 V0.05 (Beta) -> Global Information
M01 V0.05 (Beta) -> Backgrounds
M02 V0.05 (Beta) -> C Shell Settings
M03 V0.05 (Beta) -> Shell Profile
M04 V0.05 (Beta) -> 4Dwm Application Defaults
M05 V0.05 (Beta) -> MPlayer FileType Icons/Rules
M06 V0.05 (Beta) -> NEdit Version 5.5 RC1
M07 V0.05 (Beta) -> NixieClock Version 1.41
M08 V0.05 (Beta) -> Color Schemes
M09 V0.05 (Beta) -> SGI Session
M10 V0.05 (Beta) -> Toolchest
M11 V0.05 (Beta) -> Video Format Compiler
M12 V0.05 (Beta) -> YafRay Version 0.06
M13 V0.05 (Beta) -> Blender Version 2.36
M14 V0.05 (Beta) -> QEMU Version 0.6.1
M15 V0.05 (Beta) -> Mozilla FireFox Version 1.0+
Diego wrote: For those asking for the fix for the latest release of SlimDesktop V0.05, there is a working (b) release already uploaded.
Enjoy it!
recondas wrote: Thanks Diego - I installed SlimDesktop V0.05 on one of my systems and had some minor issues - the "Background Settings" window would remain open no matter what I did - it was even visible on top of the login screen. Probably something simple, but I couldn't find it, so I un-installed SlimDesktop and restored the config files I backed up prior to installation.
So what'd I fubar?![]()