IAMNOTDEFECTIVE wrote: Hello everyone!
So I actually only found out about SGI last Saturday and I've been frantically getting all the info I need about SGI. Now before I go into the main reason of this post I want to say: Daaaamn! These machines are beautiful! 0_0
simple solution: get the prettiest machine you can find, put it on a shelf and continue to work with what you have.

not sure anybody else has touched on this but: hardware this old is not reliable anymore. you better not bet the farm on this stuff to keep trucking along and IMO should not let it run unattended for extended periods either. lastly you need to know where to source replacement parts and how to fix small hardware issues yourself.
when i was running an octane 2 about 10 years ago and partially depending on it for work still, i had an entire replacement unit with a very similar configuration on the shelf, for those worst case scenarios.