Hardware For Sale/Trade

*** MaxIMPACT Graphics Boards *** - Page 2

mapesdhs wrote:
The really peculiar thing is that some companies will not buy from me if my prices are too low, because it raises too many questions within their purchasing departments, ie. why an originally very expensive item can now be replaced or repaired for such a small amount. It's easier for them if something like a PSU costs a decent amount, because that's what their purchasing dept. expects. Apparently this was the case with Indys a while ago, I was selling them too cheaply to attract biz buyers.

hehe indeed i've seen that same behavior, too. the exact same product is just not considered decent if it's too cheap.

I remember years ago where I used to work, the purchasing dept. wouldn't approve an order unless it was more than a certain
amount (can't remember how much, about 70 UKP or something). One of the researchers wanted a really simple AGP gfx card
for a Linux server (once setup, the system wouldn't even have a monitor connected), but he had to buy a completely over-
powered Geforce3 or something just to meet the minimum cost requirement. :D

something on topic for a change:
a complete indigo2 R10000 with high impact and the 4mb tram was sold at ebay for 120 euros yesterday. that might help with the calculations here

To my eyes, a very good price. ;D


SGI Systems/Parts/Spares/Upgrades For Sale: http://www.sgidepot.co.uk/sgidepot/
[email protected] , [email protected] , +44 (0)131 476 0796, check my auctions on eBid!

Your advice was spot on. I listed it on eBay for $349USD. It just sold today.

It is going to a gentleman with 3 IMPACT workstations who has been searching for a MaxIMPACT/TRAM at a good price. He was ecstatic to find mine to bid on.

Thank you!

mapesdhs wrote:
To my eyes, a very good price. ;D

bitcpy writes:
> Your advice was spot on. I listed it on eBay for $349USD. It just sold today.


> It is going to a gentleman with 3 IMPACT workstations who has been searching for a MaxIMPACT/TRAM at a good price. He was ecstatic to find mine to bid on.

The perfect happy medium. Excellent!

> Thank you!

Anytime. :D

Still waiting on it arriving ;-)
It's in the country apparently. Can't wait for the VAT and import duty :P
In the meantime I got an Indigo2 MaxImpact 128Mb/18Gb/MaxImpact 2/2/4 for £152 on Ebay so keep your eyes open for bargains.

Image R10K 195Mhz, Max Impact/2/2/4, 320Mb, 174Gb
Image R10K 195Mhz, Max Impact/2/2/4, 320Mb, 36Gb
Image R10K 195Mhz, Dodgy Max Impact/2/2/4,256Mb, 36Gb
Image R10K 195Mhz, Spares/repairs 0Mb, 0Gb, Faulty PSU :-(
Image R44K 200Mhz, GR3-Elan, 160Mb, 36Gb
Image R10K 225Mhz, CRM-C, 384Mb, 72Gb
Spares - two Solid Impacts and a High/AA Impact Graphics board.
... and hello Ian, I'm actually in Scotland and might want to buy some RAM off you sometime.
Edinburgh isn't too far away for me to drive to. Is that Onyx RE2 still £8000 ? I'll need to save up and find a van!
Good to find this site.
I've been SGI-less since 2006/7 and just been getting back and discovering how wonderful these old things are.

Image R10K 195Mhz, Max Impact/2/2/4, 320Mb, 174Gb
Image R10K 195Mhz, Max Impact/2/2/4, 320Mb, 36Gb
Image R10K 195Mhz, Dodgy Max Impact/2/2/4,256Mb, 36Gb
Image R10K 195Mhz, Spares/repairs 0Mb, 0Gb, Faulty PSU :-(
Image R44K 200Mhz, GR3-Elan, 160Mb, 36Gb
Image R10K 225Mhz, CRM-C, 384Mb, 72Gb
Spares - two Solid Impacts and a High/AA Impact Graphics board.
Nyebodnye writes:
> Still waiting on it arriving ;-)

Hope you receive it ok...

> It's in the country apparently. Can't wait for the VAT and import duty :P

Yeah, sucks. Much more now than it used to be.

> In the meantime I got an Indigo2 MaxImpact 128Mb/18Gb/MaxImpact 2/2/4 for £152 on Ebay so keep your eyes open for bargains.

Hehe, well done; I missed a lot of auctions recently, my saved searches stopped working. Need to redo them. Missed an O2, that
was annoying.

> and hello Ian, I'm actually in Scotland and might want to buy some RAM off you sometime.

Sounds good! 8) Been quiet this month, so that'd be good timing, hehe. Where are you?

> Edinburgh isn't too far away for me to drive to. Is that Onyx RE2 still £8000 ? I'll need to save up and find a van!

:D Yeah, that's really set so if some company wants to buy it, the amount will compensate for the fact that I'll no longer
be able to test parts for rack Onyx/Challenge.

> I've been SGI-less since 2006/7 and just been getting back and discovering how wonderful these old things are.

6 years with no SGI? Heartbreaking... #{

Welcome back to the fold! :D

Just got the perfunctory VAT bill. No customs charge thankfully.
20% VAT sucks. Why am I paying VAT on something that I bought from someone who payed VAT already from another country.
How many times can this country charge VAT on stuff. This is ridiculous!
Buy - pay VAT. Sell, Buy back, pay VAT. What is VAT ? Vampire Acruing TAX ? Value Added terrorism ?
Surely VAT should apply to first time buying, this is not the case here. HMRC I hate you!
Feedback when I get the MaxImpact and test working :-)

Image R10K 195Mhz, Max Impact/2/2/4, 320Mb, 174Gb
Image R10K 195Mhz, Max Impact/2/2/4, 320Mb, 36Gb
Image R10K 195Mhz, Dodgy Max Impact/2/2/4,256Mb, 36Gb
Image R10K 195Mhz, Spares/repairs 0Mb, 0Gb, Faulty PSU :-(
Image R44K 200Mhz, GR3-Elan, 160Mb, 36Gb
Image R10K 225Mhz, CRM-C, 384Mb, 72Gb
Spares - two Solid Impacts and a High/AA Impact Graphics board.
What I find most offensive is you have pay import tax on the value of the item plus shipping . If you import something from the other side of the planet, shipping cost (and therefore import tax) can be higher than the cost of the item.

IMHO it is just not fair that my (Dutch) government is taxing the work of foreign people processing my package.
Now this is a deep dark secret, so everybody keep it quiet :)
It turns out that when reset, the WD33C93 defaults to a SCSI ID of 0, and it was simpler to leave it that way... -- Dave Olson, in comp.sys.sgi

Currently in commercial service: Image :Onyx2: (2x) :O3x02L:
In the museum : almost every MIPS/IRIX system.
Wanted : GM1 board for Professional Series GT graphics (030-0076-003, 030-0076-004)
i think it's the same here and i totally agree of course. that's a plain rip off
Nyebodnye writes:
> 20% VAT sucks. Why am I paying VAT on something that I bought from someone who payed VAT already from another country.

Worse than that, sometimes you'll be charged VAT on the shipping cost aswell, because it's regarded as
a service product that you've bought, just like the shipped item has its own value. What fun. Doesn't
always happen though, not sure why.

The whole concept is of course to encourage purchasing at home, which is a silly contradiction since if everyone
did that to the nth degree then nobody would be able to export; it's selling stuff a nation makes elsewhere that makes
proper income. But hey, in a recession, etc., protectionism goes whacko, eg. shipping a Tezro to me from the US costs
almost twice as much as it did a few years ago. I hardly buy anything from the US now because it's become so
expensive (made worse by sliding currency rates).

> Feedback when I get the MaxImpact and test working :-)

Good luck!!

not to mention the products you can't get "at home". in those cases protectionism is pointless and just as with the taxed shipping costs one more blunt rip off
foetz wrote: not to mention the products you can't get "at home". in those cases protectionism is pointless and just as with the taxed shipping costs one more blunt rip off

India is the craziest case of all. By law they can't import used goods, yet the country imports oodles of used stuff anyway,
so companies use various methods to get by, eg. describing imported items as 'obsolete' instead of used. It's completely
ridiculous of course, I'm sure none of that fools Indian Customs, but they're happy to let the items through since they know
the nation depends on such imports. Weird, especially since the supposed laws are not enforced the same everywhere;
I sent two shipments to India in March - one went straight through & was delivered no problem, but the other was tied up
for ages with a "is it used stuff or not" fiasco.

reminds me of the "Knock Down Kits" that equipment was packaged as for export to India or China.
:PI: :O2: :Indigo2IMP: :Indigo2IMP:
Nyebodnye wrote: Why am I paying VAT on something that I bought from someone who payed VAT already from another country.

I don't disagree with you but at least in China, you can apply to get the VAT back on items that leave the country. Of course we pay 17% VAT then get back 14% on exports but it's better than nothing.

Buy - pay VAT. Sell, Buy back, pay VAT. What is VAT ? Vampire Acruing TAX ? Value Added terrorism ?

Wait until they think up a Value Lost Tax :(
Juliet ! the dice were loaded from the start ...
> I'm turning Japanese I think I'm turning Japanese I really think so ...


Sorry, couldn't help comment, as I read that my brain unavoidably hummed the tune in my head. I'm such
lost cause of the '80s. :D

mapesdhs wrote: I'm sucha lost cause of the '80s. :D

Sometimes I feel like I'm in (my) eighties ... no sex no drugs no wine no wimmen, everyone around me is a total stranger, everyone around me is a cyclone ranger ...

Does that song scream Facebook or what ? twenty years before Facebook existed ? Prophetic :D
Juliet ! the dice were loaded from the start ...
That song blazed a trail that none have dared to follow... :shock:
Temporarily lost at sea...
World domination! Or something...