Okay, I bought a case, it's a little ugly, but it might work. I don't really know if it will, we'll see when I get it I guess. It's ground shipping, so it might take a week to show up. I'm not sure I want to tell you which case I bought at this point (it's not SGI or Apple, it's some crappy PC case maker) so you'll just have to wait for the pictures
If this doesn't work, I'll just build a pc out of this case or resell it, no big deal. The fuel was all taken apart, and parts were cleaned up.
This case I just bought is just experimental, if it works, I'll try to find some better looking one, we'll see. This is quite fun anyway. This case is certainly not as good looking as some SGI product, but that's not my primary concern at this point, it's a part of a much bigger project.

If this doesn't work, I'll just build a pc out of this case or resell it, no big deal. The fuel was all taken apart, and parts were cleaned up.
This case I just bought is just experimental, if it works, I'll try to find some better looking one, we'll see. This is quite fun anyway. This case is certainly not as good looking as some SGI product, but that's not my primary concern at this point, it's a part of a much bigger project.