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Reverse Fuel mod - Page 3

Not so sure about the damaged voltage monitoring.
I measured the same values with a VoltMeter at these pins.

The powersupply is not "running" that means, it only supplies the 5V standby supply and some minor others.
This is the mode where you just put the power cable in the Fuel PSU and in your wall socket and the PSU fan is not even spinning.
It is before pressing the start button or giving the "power up" command in the L1 controller.

This also shows that the L1 controller runs at this 5V standby voltage.

On a working Fuel, when the PSU fan is spinning the start button (on the front of the Fuel) is pressed or a "power up" command is given successfully. While in my case I just get that strange error message when I give the "power up" command.

So the main question is, who has ever started a Fuel when the graphics card was removed from the machine and what was the effect (did it work at all) ?
Sorry to ask again, but I just can't figure this out, how can I turn a fuel on, remotely, assuming it's off to start with, and I have access to "L1 diag", network and serial console only.
