sgtprobe wrote:
Hello again Geo
hey! ill just reply now before i hit the sack hehe cold weather make me sleepy easily
sgtprobe wrote:
Yeah, I have played with Lego a lot when I was a child, I loved those "Technics-Lego" kits. Wouldn't mind "playing" with them now either.
waah yeah i remember those too, that type was for my elder brother hehe i only prefer those astronauts and space

that why my dream was to become an astronaut! hehe but till now its just dream, na ja
love to buy mindstorm! but im afraid got no time coz a bit busy these days, esp about BLE geeez anyway will get through this
sgtprobe wrote:
Ah, sorry, didn't answer that about the 3D printer. Nope, no 3D printer yet. But isn't those very expensive?
hehe its ok hmm yes but i think there were nice DIY that were affordable? even here something like 3000rmb and already good quality

but its just good if have time to play with it hehe
sgtprobe wrote:
I was't awake when you saw me online last time, but my computer was rendering and I had accidently left my webbrowser up, but went to bed way to late that night too. I should really try not to be up so late, so tired in the morning. And I think I looked like a panda the other day too
oh! i see hehe yeah i think these days we need enough rest esp the foods these days getting more preservatives? hahaha panda eyes.. my ma called me a vampire before coz of this hehe
sgtprobe wrote:
I'm happy with your tool as it is right now, but I guess everything can be better if you find the time to put down even more work in it. It's really handy and working perfectly, no hangs or anything yet. I moved over some music files from my PC to my Octane earlier today, and that was a few GB of data. Worked nicely.
thanks!! ok2 im already on it and will soon release it here

oh this is good news then hehe ok2 will back to work for a better app, got many suggestions from hamei hehe will do that too
hamei wrote:
Okay le. Using the Octane binary I can send files from Irix to Windows. In the other direction I see the file name but clicking on the button only depresses the button (and me.) No other discernible action.
hi ham! ok2 hehe yes, when you press the button the button will disappear right? then it means the downloading was done and it was placed in /etc/gXipmsg/Downloads

sorry about this coz i just want to show something fast, but my plan is to open a widget where you can choose the location where to save, this will be on the next release
hamei wrote:
Using the O2 binary, same thing. I can see the file name in the attachments button but can't do anything beyond pushing it.
hehe as said above, when click the button, it will disappear once dl is done, when larger file, it will show the bytes downloaded until its done
hamei wrote:
Messaging works predictably both ways now tho. It was a little flaky coming from the Windows side before.
hehe sorry about that, it was some bugs already fixed
hamei wrote:
Using the dropbox on the Irix 'send' window would be hot. Who cares about the Windows users, let them hunt through file listings
hehe thats also one thing im looking forward on the coming release, but im afraid it will only possible if the motif is the wm also, for bsd and linux which uses open motif, im not sure hmm but lets see, drag n drop will be really cool
hamei wrote:
Here's what the main window looks like when you put the grafix in /etc where it belongs ...
bingo!! you got it! hehe
hamei wrote:
Could I make a suggestion ? How about not using the main window frame, and making the graphic the same size as minimized applications ? Or better yet, putting the title at the bottom of a window that's the same size as minimized apps. Then it would fit in better with the rest of the desktop. Something like :
of course!! hehe actually that was my first plan but if so, how can we move the app around the desktop? still can grab?
hamei wrote:
One other thing What ports are you using ? In theory, if you open a hole in the firewall this would transmit across the internet as well ? Nekochanners could message each other (Already tried to get the Assist to put it on her phone. She said, "No way ! That costs money !" $400 shoes is okay but three jiao for messages is too expensive.)
ah for UDP i use 2425 for messages. for TCP i also use 2425 first then once connected then it will choose another port during file transfere. but im not sure about the hole? but about the idea nekochanners message each other, this was suggested by kuba but hi suggest to use something like virtual network where we can setup and meet each other? not sure if i got it right hehe or can i modify my app to support something like what you said without any need of a special server?
hahaha my God! 400usd for shoe? more expensive than my Air Jordans? geeez hehe
hamei wrote:
Hmm. Easier to add a new one than delete the old one. This is what I had in mind .. Should work the same way but look like a minimized application ?
ok will try this soon ham, thanks for the suggestion, will try if still can grab the app, if not, is it ok i put the app always at the lower right? or movable is still better?
ok will sleep now and hear you all tomorrow

really thanks for using and the suggestions, lets do this!!