Everything Else

So long and thanks for all the fish.

Hey All,

I'm taking an extended leave of absence from Computing as a 'Hobby'. It's been much fun around here these past 10 years, but I'm done.

Take care,

Hate to see you go Jimmer. You've made some significant contributions to the forums in those 10 years.

Come back any time - for you the door is always open!
Welcome to ARMLand - 0/0x0d00
running...(sherwood-root 0607201829)
* InfiniteReality/Reality Software, IRIX 6.5 Release *
Sorry to hear that, Jimmer. You've been an important part of the community, and you will be missed.
Best wishes,
Noooooo :(
smit happens.

:Fuel: bigred , 900MHz R16K, 4GB RAM, V12 DCD, 6.5.30
:Indy: indy , 150MHz R4400SC, 256MB RAM, XL24, 6.5.10
:Indigo2IMP: purplehaze , R10000, Solid IMPACT
probably posted from Image bruce , Quad 2.5GHz PowerPC 970MP, 16GB RAM, Mac OS X 10.4.11
plus IBM POWER6 p520 * Apple Network Server 500 * HP C8000 * BeBox * Solbourne S3000 * Commodore 128 * many more...
yeah come back if you feel like it. life is not black or white :-)
First Harry now jimmer, this brain drain is a killer... :cry:
Temporarily lost at sea...
World domination! Or something...
Take care, Jimmer. Was pleased to be reminded of Transmetropolitan when I first spotted your avatar.

Be happy to see you come around again later, if it's in the cards.
Then? :IRIS3130: ... Now? :O3x02L: :A3504L: - :A3502L: :1600SW: +MLA :Fuel: :Octane2: :Octane: :Indigo2IMP: ... Other: DEC :BA213: :BA123: Sun , DG AViiON , NeXT :Cube:
vishnu wrote: First Harry now jimmer, this brain drain is a killer... :cry:

nothing to do with brain drain, thing is the whole computer stuff make one sick till no end. i myself work in this f**ked up it industry for about 20 years and i'm also
so done with that crap. just a bunch of pseudointellectual wannabeeees with an totally oversized ego. all in all, it just makes me wanna spew!

who want to go home after work in start fiddling around with computers considering these cirumstances..hell no 8-)
no plan
That's why we all read alt.sysadmin.recovery though, right? 8-)
Temporarily lost at sea...
World domination! Or something...
vishnu wrote: That's why we all read alt.sysadmin.recovery though, right? 8-)

I hadn't read it before, but after reading a couple of threads, I'm all in!
yetanother**ixuser wrote:
vishnu wrote: First Harry now jimmer, this brain drain is a killer... :cry:

i myself work in this f**ked up it industry for about 20 years and i'm also
so done with that crap. just a bunch of pseudointellectual wannabeeees with an totally oversized ego. all in all, it just makes me wanna spew!

It's not this specific industry, it is people in general, you just need to learn to ignore the crap and pick up the jobs you enjoy doing (and stick around with people who are decent human beings).
:Octane: R12K 300 MHz, 1 GB RAM, SE+T
:Indigo2IMP: R10K 195MHz, 320MB RAM, Solid Impact
:O2: R10K 175MHz, 256MB RAM, CRM
:Indy: R4400 200MHz, 256MB RAM, XZ
Mixing hobbies and work is never a good idea.

Same thing with sports really as when it gets too serious, things are not that fun anymore.
Speaking as someone who used to be a full time computer guy, it's far more fun as a hobby than it ever was as a career. :)
smit happens.

:Fuel: bigred , 900MHz R16K, 4GB RAM, V12 DCD, 6.5.30
:Indy: indy , 150MHz R4400SC, 256MB RAM, XL24, 6.5.10
:Indigo2IMP: purplehaze , R10000, Solid IMPACT
probably posted from Image bruce , Quad 2.5GHz PowerPC 970MP, 16GB RAM, Mac OS X 10.4.11
plus IBM POWER6 p520 * Apple Network Server 500 * HP C8000 * BeBox * Solbourne S3000 * Commodore 128 * many more...
mwd wrote: It's not this specific industry, it is people in general, you just need to learn to ignore the crap and pick up the jobs you enjoy doing (and stick around with people who are decent human beings).

That's what used to be so great about the US - it wasn't the "bastion of freedom" crap, it was the fact that you could run away from the asshats Back East and have a life.

But now the asshats have moved west and the only place left to run is the ocean. Plus they now have computers so they can probably even track you down at the bottom of the sea :(
two girls for every boy ...
theinonen wrote: Mixing hobbies and work is never a good idea.

don't agree at all. it was the best that could have happened to me. what's better than getting paid for what you like to do most :D