If you factor in the inherent unreliability of the old linksys 54G units it's quite amazing that mine has such a high uptime. It is hooked up to a UPS though. Our power here is pretty reliable most of the time (lol). It's also used solely for wifi, my router is an embedded atom box which would have a higher uptime but one of our trees got hit by lightning and killed the modem and the one ethernet port on the old one...
My windows 7 desktop has been on for 71 days which honestly is amazing too haha.
Firmware: DD-WRT v24-sp1 (07/27/08) mini
Time: 19:34:32 up 432 days, 19:34, load average: 0.05, 0.02, 0.00
My windows 7 desktop has been on for 71 days which honestly is amazing too haha.