sybrfreq wrote:
The american government is too broke to afford a street vendor's hotdog, yet they feel they have the right to bust into peoples homes and do
whatever the hell they want
for pretty much any reason whatsoever. That's Freedom, with a capitol F.
You don't get it, sybr. The american government is not too broke to afford anything. There's plenty of money, all in the hands of Wall Street traders, investment banking CEO accounts and insurance company piles of gold. There is so much emphasis on stupid crap
the general population is so easily distracted by idiotic non-issues. "Child" pornography (who was queen of england, married to John at twelve or something, typical of the time ?), abortion (right to life puh-lease), more money spent on prisons in the "land of the free" than on education, billions of dollars and thousands of people murdered over a witch hunt and documented FBI lie about a plant ? It's all a distraction and y'all are so easily distracted.
When the stupid American populace bothers to figure out that the finance "industry" has robbed them blind once again and actually does something about it (such as hanging the thieving bastards from trees until we have Gucci-clad forests) rather than spending their efforts railing against liberals and socialists and nonbleevers, then you'll see progress.
You people are nuts, have no sense of priorities and get exactly the government and economy you deserve. "We need wealthy people to give jobs to poor people" haysoos h kristos. The place is doomed.