Hi there,
just wanted to give a small update that we are still alive and founded a new company together with some 3D guys from berlin. Our new name is PI-VR GmbH and you'll find our website at
We are now also targeting automobil photographers and the first results can be seen within our gallery.
In the meantime we have extended our raytracer a lot, added some nice features to the OpenGL renderer (geometry lights, ultra high anti-aliasing), added a CAD interface and some things for marketing production rendering ( rendering layers, automated generation of images, etc.) and various other things that I might have forgotten. Even the ATI part of our OpenGL rendering does work now and the new FireGL 7700/8700 rocks like nothing else.
We also have a new product called VservR which is an online server based realtime 3D configurator.
So even if this is good news, there are some bad to share also. Nothing of this will work on your O2 nor your Octane/Fuel and not even on any kind of Onyx