I've rebuilt with bplaa.yai's patch in the meantime. A new neko_pixie-2.2.6.tardist is in /incoming. To test, grab an example .rib file from
http://www.renderpixie.com/pixiewiki/Ex ... B_Examples
and drop it on rndr in the Applications page of Icon Catalog. You may have to set PIXIEHOME=/usr/nekoware/lib/Pixie (or whatever may be the correct value...) in your environment.
SGI: Computer Graphics
Pixie for IRIX - Page 3
I'm going to try it!
I'm going to try it!

I try to render a basic ".rib" file but I'm getting next error:
What's going on with file.so?
I try to render a basic ".rib" file but I'm getting next error:
"/usr/nekoware/lib/Pixie/displays/file.so" has missing implementation
What's going on with file.so?

sgienthu wrote:
I try to render a basic ".rib" file but I'm getting next error:
What's going on with file.so?
I try to render a basic ".rib" file but I'm getting next error:
"/usr/nekoware/lib/Pixie/displays/file.so" has missing implementation
What's going on with file.so?
I didn't install the tardist - I'm not a Maya guy - but from a simple command using some of the examples canavan pointed to, the program drew a rendered scene in a window on the desktop. You might try running < rndr foofoo.rib > from a command line to see what's happening ...
Here my results:
File 1: Media:pmap_render_pass0.rib
File 2: Media:pmap_render_pass1.rib
File 3: Media:pmap_render_pass2.rib
Sorry no good news...
File 1: Media:pmap_render_pass0.rib
File 2: Media:pmap_render_pass1.rib
File 3: Media:pmap_render_pass2.rib
Sorry no good news...


First of all, use "snapshot" to take screenshots. Since you're apparently getting the "Atomic operations are not supported on this system, consider leaving a note in Sourceforge about your platform" message, you need to upgrade. re-download neko_pixie from beta and install that.
sgienthu wrote:
Here's a trick you will like : when you get a winterm like that, put your mouse cursor at the end of what you want. Depress the left mouse button and swipe to the left up to the beginning of what you want. This will highlight all the test you "selected". (Works the other way also but I am right-handed.) Release the l eft m ouse b utton (aka lmb). Now drive the mouse cursor over the desktop or an open directory display-window (or even a closed one's icon). Press the m iddle m ouse b utton and it will drop a text file onto your desktop. It will be named "Pasted Text" and you can then rename it.
Now you can paste that into any application you want, such as the message window on your web browser.
Beware : after you get used to this you will become addicted to it. Windows does not have this feature.
Sorry my SGI doesn't have Inet/LAN connection because router issues... I'm working on this too. This is the reason I sent you pictures...
Ok, I updated the Pixie version with neko_pixie-2.2.6.tardist file version 02/28/2012 03:52 from nekoware.
The Atomic operations message has disappeared, but file.so implementation message error persist...
Here my environment variables and results:
Can be a X11 compatiblility problem?
Thank you for you trick it is very useful and adictive...
Sorry my SGI doesn't have Inet/LAN connection because router issues... I'm working on this too. This is the reason I sent you pictures...

Ok, I updated the Pixie version with neko_pixie-2.2.6.tardist file version 02/28/2012 03:52 from nekoware.
The Atomic operations message has disappeared, but file.so implementation message error persist...

Here my environment variables and results:
Can be a X11 compatiblility problem?
Thank you for you trick it is very useful and adictive...


At last I found it!
It was a problem with library libpng.so.3 version. I have just updated it and now Pixie runs.
Thanks to everybody for your help!
It was a problem with library libpng.so.3 version. I have just updated it and now Pixie runs.
Thanks to everybody for your help!

sgienthu wrote:
At last I found it!
It was a problem with library libpng.so.3 version. I have just updated it and now Pixie runs.
It was a problem with library libpng.so.3 version. I have just updated it and now Pixie runs.
Did you update from /current or is that a new libpng from /beta ? If you'd give the neko_libpng-1.2.47.tardist in /beta a try and make a post about it in Development, that would be a help to the Nekoware Updating Program.
Thanks for reporting back, anyhow

Yes, I've installed neko_libpng-1.2.47 from /beta. No problems by the moment with Pixie.
You're welcome hamei!
You're welcome hamei!


sgienthu wrote:
Yes, I've installed neko_libpng-1.2.47 from /beta. No problems by the moment with Pixie.
Beta versions of nekoware are promoted to current/stable status after three members recommend the package.
neko_libpng-1.2.47 currently has two recommendations, would you be so kind as to consider adding your recommendation to that thread? You can find it here: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=16726272
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