Hi there!
ajw99uk wrote:
I'm on holiday next week but will have wifi so a decent chance it will get done as relaxation. I'll see how small a file can give you a meaningful system, as I've nowhere to host it for download/FTP at the moment (the downside of a budget broadband deal!).
No problem, and thanks in advance. I can setup an FTP account for you, with enough room into some web hosting service I'm actually paying for.
ajw99uk wrote:
I do have a zipped installation for Windows but at 270MB I don't fancy emailing it! (that's for OS plus lots of additional software - the absolute minimum is 4MB ROM image plus <1MB for the emulator itself).
Sure, take your time. Just let me know if I can help in any way.
ajw99uk wrote:
I forgot to ask which OS would be hosting the emulator for you - Windows or Linux? The RISC OS part is the same, which would be the bulk of the package.
I actually using mostly Linux but also Irix.
Linux: more exactly Ubuntu, and I'm pretty happy with it; seems to me a very comfortable system... though I reckon it demands some punchs here and there to persuade it to work as intended... bit let's be honest: Irix too!
ajw99uk wrote:
Yes, it got a revival when ports came out for various ARM SBCs, and the Pi has really helped in having such low cost hardware (and easy connection to a TV, so no monitor cost in many cases) to try it out.
The SBC's are way interesting, but I'm not using them yet... let's say the closest thing to an SBC I own for daily use is a USB BitScope; another interesting gadget if you ask. In fact, since there are (
Open Source
Open Hardware
) sourcecodes and diagrams for an RS-232 version, sounds like the perfect tool to port to Irix! ...but oh well, time is never enough!