vishnu wrote:
What we should do n order to compile this "modern" shite on our SGI's is to write and compile binary patches to MIPSPro that add the functionality that C and C++ now possess, that MIPSPro doesn't. Difficult? Yes. Impossible? Probably. Now, who's with me? Into the fray!
WELL IT'S ALREADY BEN DONE! Let me explain. Oh about three months back I was busing looking into getting QT 4.8.5 working so I could build QTWeb. At this time I found out the areas the MIPSPro7.4m and GCC4.7 compilers were weak in. The Mipspro compiler was very fast,stable but the didn't support the latest C++11 syntax. The GNU compiler on the other hand supported C++11 syntax but while attempting the QT code would generate "internal compiler errors" plus it was very slow...It took twice as long to compile large C++ programs compared to Mipspro. At this time I had a choice of looking for a different compiler or start debugging the GNU compiler. I stumbled across LLVM which support MIPS big and little endian. I currently works on Mips Linux so I needed to get it to work on SGI. In the process of configuring it the configuration test programs said I was running "CLANG" but with obsolete version 6.0 of stdc++ libraries ...What the heck!
I did some checking and found out the front end code of MipsPro was acquired by Apple. Apple enhanced it, changed the name to "CLANG" and hooked it up to LKVM as the backend code generator and posted all the changes back into LLVM site. The LLVM fully supports three targets ...mips,intel and arm.
A group on the internet posts builds of the Linux kernel for the MIPS le and be built using the LLVM compiler. The kernel runs is reported to run faster than one built with GCC.
What this means right now people are basically running an updated version of our MipsPro compiler under MIPS Linux!
I think we should get the compiler working back under SGI!