I just got two EV47's missing the hard drives. I got new drives and tried to install tru64 5.1B Well didn't get to far attempting to boot from either a CDROM or RIS server it reads the boot loader OK but hangs with "jumping to bootstrap code". I gather from from searching the need you need "New Hardware Delivery Kit 7 (nhrd7)" or tru64 5.1B-6 kit 8 which contains nhrd7. Again searching the net the kit used to be a download from a Compaq then HP site but when HP cancelled support of tru64 the site was removed.
Anyone out there have the missing software? Right now I have two very nice boat anchors!
Before someone asks the option to use OpenVMS is available but you can't get Hobbyist license anymore. Redhat
Linux did support EV47 but to load it you need a "wrapper kit from Compaq to install it" which also is gone.
Of course if anyone has the wrapper file I can probably Red Hat linux 7.2 to install.
Anyone out there have the missing software? Right now I have two very nice boat anchors!
Before someone asks the option to use OpenVMS is available but you can't get Hobbyist license anymore. Redhat
Linux did support EV47 but to load it you need a "wrapper kit from Compaq to install it" which also is gone.
Of course if anyone has the wrapper file I can probably Red Hat linux 7.2 to install.