I've recently aquired an ONYX2, but have managed to get it into a state of confusion. I'm using a stand alone indigo2 as a console, so I haven't been able to pull off any log information to post on Nekochan. Machine is 4x300MHz with IR2 and IO6G.
Machine currently does not have an OS or harddisk, so was attempting to check machine whilst new disk was on order. Running a terminal into the diagnostic port shows a clean boot (again will try and post actual listing when I have downloaded from my indigo2 > PC).
Running terminal into TTY1 (console) on the IO6G, also shows clean boot through to the PROM menu. So based in this I set the environment variable 'setenv console g' to check graphics.
After reboot, this is where the trouble started. I get the flash screen showing 4 lines of information (screen res, Infinite reality, etc), but don't get a graphical version of the PROM menu (as I would have expected, based on an INDY or indigo2). Should I expect one?
Console shows the message 'Installing Graphics Console...' and does not return to the PROM menu. MSC shows initsaio. I've searched the Nekochan boards and notice that this problem has occured with other peoples machines, but haven't found an obvious answer. I waited over an hour to see if this message would time out, but it didn't.
I removed the keyboard and mouse and rebooted in an effort to regain console control, but no luck. Still tried to bring up the graphics console and doesn't give access to the PROM menu, without access to this menu to change the environment variable back I don't see how to force it back. Any thoughts?
To understand if there were any hardware issues I entered POD mode (not sure what the best way of doing this is, there isn't a 'pod' command on the MSC interface, but forcing an 'nmi' seems to get me there, but does through up some exceptions - I'm I doing this right??) .
Followed the 'go cac, clearalllogs, etc' route. Should it take a long time to perform the 'go cac' comand, takes about 3 minutes on my machine, is this normal. 'clearalllogs' also caused an exception the first time around, but after a few repeats it managed to work. Subsequent reboot didn't show any messages in the log file.
At the moment I'm at a loss as to how to get the console back, is there any way I can reset environment variables through POD?
All thoughts would be greatly appreciated, Adam