I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this one. They were amazing in their day and age, but there are still people out there developing dead-serious stuff for them. What am I missing here? Should I get one and find out for myself?
-- I'm a PeeCee and I can
kick your ass
. --
Slow PeeCee - i7 940 OC 4.1GHz, 20GB DDR3 OC 1.8GHz, 2x1TB WD RAID0, ATI 5870 1GB, 3008WFP
Dev PeeCee - IBM Intellistation A Pro - Dual Opteron 290 2.8GHz, 8GB ECC DDR, 500GB SATA, 8400GS, 2x1800FP
Slow PeeCee Cluster - 30x Opteron 275, 60.5GB RAM, 2.2TB, 2x1.5TB
Octane 2xR12K-300, 1.5GB, 36GB 10K, 73GB 10K, V8
Indigo2 195MHz, 1GB, 36GB, SI
There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
Those who understand Ternary. Those who don't. Those who could give a shit less.
Slow PeeCee - i7 940 OC 4.1GHz, 20GB DDR3 OC 1.8GHz, 2x1TB WD RAID0, ATI 5870 1GB, 3008WFP
Dev PeeCee - IBM Intellistation A Pro - Dual Opteron 290 2.8GHz, 8GB ECC DDR, 500GB SATA, 8400GS, 2x1800FP
Slow PeeCee Cluster - 30x Opteron 275, 60.5GB RAM, 2.2TB, 2x1.5TB
Octane 2xR12K-300, 1.5GB, 36GB 10K, 73GB 10K, V8
Indigo2 195MHz, 1GB, 36GB, SI
There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
Those who understand Ternary. Those who don't. Those who could give a shit less.