IRIX and Software

Sharity 3.3 beta for IRIX released

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great! thanks for the hint :D

Practically every movie site I go to wants me to have the x-mplayer2 plugin installed. ( not only on Irix but also on OS-X ... )
Has anyone had any succes in compiling this sucker?


I can feel it, my mind is going ....
Hi, I installed neko_apache from the current/ tree, including all of the prerequisites, but it won't run. At startup it complains abou not beeing able to find in a bunch of standard lib (lib32??) directories.

libexpat is installed an sitting in /usr/nekoware/lib/ but neko_apache is not looking there. I though LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not updated but imagine my surprise whwen tha env var didn't exist at all. So I set it and run /etc/rc2.d(7)> S68neko_apache start , and it starts , but when I type in a web browser, no apache comes up with a page. And yes the localhost address is bound and httpd is running in ps.

Also during startup neko_apache fals to start since I defined LD_LIBRARY_PATH in /etc/cshrc and it is not processed at boot. I have similar problem with neko_samba both during boot and during running time:

/etc/rc2.d(8)> S66neko_samba start
Samba: 1981:/usr/nekoware/sbin/smbd: rld: Fatal Error: Cannot Successfully map soname '' under any of the filenames /usr/nekoware/lib/
smbd nmbd lsarpcd netlogond samrd spoolssd srvsvcd svcctld winregd wkssvcd browserd.
Its LD_LIBRARY N32 _PATH and not LD_LIBRARY_PATH. So correct your env and try again. After that read the relnote from neko_apache and neko_samba. Y`ll found all answers there.

Some more info about the Samba issue can be found here. The neko_samba in /beta doesnt links against this library.


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hi joerg, thanks for the reply, but i cannot seem to find the release notes under any directory in /usr/nekoware/apache? could you let me know the location of the file? thanks
gborce wrote:
hi joerg, thanks for the reply, but i cannot seem to find the release notes under any directory in /usr/nekoware/apache? could you let me know the location of the file? thanks

All (the most ) relnote files are located under /usr/nekoware/relnotes . These files are not installed during a standard installation. You have to select the subimage *.opt.relnotes by hand.

The information your looking for is that our apache start in port 8080 and not 80 :wink:

There is a updated apache in /beta. Take also notice that it isnt a good idea to place the nekoware directory in front of your $LD_, $PATH variables without knowing the problems. If i have a need for this special behaviour i place a new $LD_ in the init script of the given application.


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Sharity 3.3 Final has just been released for IRIX 6.5.
thanks once again :D


I can feel it, my mind is going ....
I don't think the x-mplayer2 is the name of a program or package, I think it's a generic identifier, like pdf reader, or flash player. if you check the mozilla plugin site, it basically says that the only inline video you can do is mpeg2. mov, & wmv are out. realplayer has a linux version, and flash 9 is out. I have both of those working.