Hardware Wanted

WTB: 3x Indy Cases and PSU's


Long time lurker first time poster here. I recently purchased an Octane2 with a box of "parts" sight unseen from a local university and the "parts" happened to be a bunch of Indy stuff. From what I can gather I can part together hopefully 3 working systems, all I need are the cases and PSU's of which I have Zero. I dont have a huge budget but also have no idea what the availability / price for an empty shell is so toss me some offers if you have some and we'll work something out. I'm located in Atlanta if that helps at all. Thanks!
Welcome! To posting, at least. ;) Hopefully somebody can set you up with at least one case+PSU - Indys seem small and cute to me now, so hopefully you can assemble one to play with soon. Have you identified the gfx cards yet?
Then? :IRIS3130: ... Now? :O3x02L: :A3504L: - :A3502L: :1600SW: +MLA :Fuel: :Octane2: :Octane: :Indigo2IMP: ... Other: DEC :BA213: :BA123: Sun , DG AViiON , NeXT :Cube:
I have 8 Indys... I could spare some PSU, parts and cases, however I am in Australia so postage would pretty much kill the deal.


開いた括弧は必ず閉じる -- あるプログラマー

:Tezro: :Tezro: :Onyx2R: :Onyx2RE: :Onyx2: :O3x04R: :O3x0: :O200: :Octane: :Octane2: :O2: :O2: :Indigo2IMP: :PI: :PI: :1600SW: :1600SW: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy:
:hpserv: J5600, 2 x Mac, 3 x SUN, Alpha DS20E, Alpha 800 5/550, 3 x RS/6000, Amiga 4000 VideoToaster, Amiga4000 -030, 733MHz Sam440 AmigaOS 4.1 update 1.

Sold: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy: :Indigo: Tandem Himalaya S-Series Nonstop S72000 ServerNet.

Twitter @PymbleSoftware
Current Apps (iOS) -> https://itunes.apple.com/au/artist/pymb ... d553990081
(Android) https://play.google.com/store/apps/deve ... +Ltd&hl=en
(Onyx2) Cortex ---> http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cortex-th ... 11?sk=info
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Github ---> https://github.com/pymblesoftware
Sent you a PM.
:Octane2: :O2: :O2: :Indigo: :Indigo: :Indigo: :Fuel: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy: :Indigo2: :Indigo2IMP:
Thanks for the welcomes! It looks like things are falling into line to get these little guys up and running. I have 6 graphics boards part # 030-8263-002 which after some light digging seem to be 8-bit boards. Won't be setting the world on fire with them but at least its a start ;)
Hey and Welcome,

There's currently one Indy case on an auction in Japan for 3000 JPY and another Indy (with all the components but in "Junk" condition) for 3900 JPY, same as with Pymble - shipping would be pricey.

[click for links to hinv] JP: :Fuel: | :O2: | :Indy: || PL: [ :Fuel: :O2: :O2+: :Indy: ]
I have a complete working indy you can have for $125 shipped. I am in Southern Ca. I can get you more info if you need. The machine boots and runs fine, the case is in fair condition. No cracks or chips, but a bit faded.

If the thing isn't on fire it's a software problem.

:Tezro: :Octane2: :O2+: :Fuel: :O3x0: :A350: :Indigo2IMP: :Indigo: