SGIFanLongTime wrote:
Ah I got it to load the file ! Just needed to rename .nfo to .vfo.
Ah, my fault then. For some reason i seemed to remember they were called .nfo on the O2.
Display works, but when you try to move windows, or click on the toolchest it freaks out.
Well, it might well be the case that 1680x1050 is just asking to much of the O2. As i mentioned, i already had to trim it a bit to be able to compile it for O2 at all (see below)..
Also looking for how the VFO was compiled that I tested previously.... Any details would be extremely helpful. thanks.
The easiest way to create generic modes is using the blocksync template as described in the vfc guide and some older forum threads. The resulting modes usually are ok for CRTs, for LCDs you might need to build a more specialized mode though. At this point you need to provide your own .vfs source file to be compiled. Thankfully, this can be pretty easy if you use an existing XFree/ modeline as a template. Lets use the above 1680x1050 mode as an example:
The mode was ment for a Samsung 205BW display. Asking google for a fitting modeline provided:
ModeLine "1680x1050" 146.8 1680 1784 1960 2240 1050 1053 1059 1089
See the two groups of 4 values each. These describe the horizontal and vertical field.
The .vfc listed in example 5-1 in the techpubs vfc guide can be used as a template to fill in the needed values based on the modeline. This is pretty straight forward:
FramesPerSecond is 60 as we want a 60hz mode
horizontal fields:
ActivePixelsPerLine is 1680
TotalPixelsPerLine is 2240
HorizontalFrontPorch is 1784-1680 = 104
HorizontalSync is 1960-1784 = 176
HorizontalBackPorch is 2240-1960 = 280
vertical fields:
ActiveLinesPerFrame is 1050
TotalLinesPerFrame is1089
VerticalFrontPorch is 1053-1050 = 3
VerticalSync is 1059-1053 = 6
VerticalBackPorch is 1089-1059 = 3
(VerticalFrontPorch, VerticalSync and VerticalBackPorch are reflected in the repeat counts in the Field specification in the .vfs)
To compile the resulting .vfs for an O2 you would use (assuming you named it 1680x1050_60.vfs):
vfc -c board=O2_Board.def,chip=O2_Chip.def -o 1680x1050_60.vfo 1680x1050_60.vfs
O2_Board.def and O2_Chip.def define the compilation rules for the O2 (they are located in /usr/gfx/ucode/vfc/rules)
In this case this fails with the following error:
Your value for TotalPixelsPerLine (2240) must not exceed the maximum of 2160.
So we're obviously hitting an O2 specific limit here. To make it compile i reduced the TotalPixelsPerLine to 2160 by reducing the HorizontalBackPorch to 200. The resulting source file is: . This one was used to compile the mode you tested.
Hope this was of some help