hamei wrote:
Now that there's no misunderstandings, are you getting one desktop or two ? Two sets of 0,0 origin points, looks like two desks stacked one above the other ?
In spite of what gfxinfo seems to imply, one 3200x2400 desktop (if you can zoom in enough to read it, gfxinfo is running in the open window):
File comment:
/usr/gfx/gfxinfo is displayed in winterm -
Quad-desktop.jpg [ 68.7 KiB | Viewed 260 times ]
I elected to use
OpenGL Multipipe with SGI Xinerama as the X Proxy Layer
. OpenGL MP run by itself uses its own xserver (Xdmx). Xdmx works to transparently allow OpenGL visuals on both pipes/all four monitors, while Xinerama (without OGL MP) only allows OpenGL to run on the primary pipe (the primary pipe being two-DCD-connected displays in my case).

Quad-desktop.jpg [ 68.7 KiB | Viewed 260 times ]
Running OpenGL MP with Xinerama as the X proxy layer is a decent compromise - and I can still take advantage of OGL MP by calling OGL apps from the command line with the "omprun" command. That will let me take my time to import the parts of my current desktop environment into Xdmx, which in as-installed configuration provides only a single winterm and a Toolchest. Here's the SGI Cube run on the Xinerama-managed desktop, called from the command line with 'omprun':
File comment:
It's spinning - not that you could tell from here.
cube_logo.jpg [ 80.11 KiB | Viewed 259 times ]
Without OpenGL MultiPipe only the half of the SGI Cube displayed on the primary pipe/pair of monitors would be visible - the half of the OGL window on the secondary pipe/pair of monitors would be black.

cube_logo.jpg [ 80.11 KiB | Viewed 259 times ]
hamei wrote:
I see you also have "Sync Disabled" . While you were fighting this, have you come across any method to get "Sync Enabled" ? With your setup you can't see it but I bet you have tearing at your borders.
Just went and took a pretty close look and wasn't able to find any evidence of tearing. I wonder if you might be seeing it because the 2@1920x2400 config we set up for your T221 is probably a couple of notches north of the intended capabilities of a single V12/DCD?
hamei wrote:
Pretty neat though. Did I mention that I hate you ?
Didn't mean to upset east-west detente..... I swear this is solely for peaceful domestic purposes and not as an escalation of the sino-american graphics race.
jan=jaap wrote:

jan=jaap wrote:
Let me get this straight, you're not using the Compositor in any way in this setup, right?
Not currently, but I might try it if I ever pickup another 1920x1200 IPS panel - the DVI port on the one I have is connected elsewhere.
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* InfiniteReality/Reality Software, IRIX 6.5 Release *