SGI: Computer Graphics
Jurassic Park cgi ... interesting :)
I knew that bit about the car imploding in the Matrix Reloaded but only because it's on the special features DVD. Did
know about the guys in rubber suits in the Jurassic Park series.

Movin' on up, toooo the east side
World domination! Or something...
I love that film so much
I remember reading about some of the concepts right at the start of the production, originally almost all the effects were going to be physical, guys in suits, animatronic etc, but Spielberg wasn't happy with the movement in the wide shots, so Dennis Muren pitched a small CG dino test, and nailed it first go. Most of the physical effects stayed, but the CG allowed them to vastly build up the ecosystem, and get some shots which were just too difficult otherwise..
Still can't believe they made that full-size T-Rex though..
Men in Dino-suits! - ...
Seriously impressive!
It came back the other way a little, with the DID (Dinosuar Input Device), which let the puppeteers control or guide the CG animation - very neat

I remember reading about some of the concepts right at the start of the production, originally almost all the effects were going to be physical, guys in suits, animatronic etc, but Spielberg wasn't happy with the movement in the wide shots, so Dennis Muren pitched a small CG dino test, and nailed it first go. Most of the physical effects stayed, but the CG allowed them to vastly build up the ecosystem, and get some shots which were just too difficult otherwise..
Still can't believe they made that full-size T-Rex though..
Men in Dino-suits! - ...
Seriously impressive!
It came back the other way a little, with the DID (Dinosuar Input Device), which let the puppeteers control or guide the CG animation - very neat


The boxen are breeding... help!
There is a bit in Aliens (the first of the sequels) where they had an alien made of rubber on a string and placed it on an over turned piece of furniture and yanked the string... they reversed the film so it looks like the alien is leaping off the floor... And apparently it was done with "in camera editing" ... A director I knew was all on about in-camera editing as über alpha-film-maker chic or something... Its amazing was is not CGI sometimes..
開いた括弧は必ず閉じる -- あるプログラマー


Cortex ---> ... 11?sk=info
Minnie ---> ... 02?sk=info
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Search for "Pymble", "InstaElf", "CryWhy" or "Cricket Score Sheet" in the iPad App store or search for "Pymble" or "CryWhy" in the iPhone App store.
There was a good video from Adam Savage (Mythbusters) on, revolving around some of the effects used on Bladerunner, most of it was in-camera effects and editing - seriously impressive!

The boxen are breeding... help!
the link gives me: "Couldn't connect to the database"

foetz wrote:
the link gives me: "Couldn't connect to the database"

Works for me?

The boxen are breeding... help!
now it worked. seems they had some issues before ...