Is anyone here into Baseball, and by into Baseball, I mean enough to coach and keep big paper score sheets of their kids games?
I wrote an iPad app (1a) to generate score sheets, I put a feedback button into it, people press it occasionally put in random text and click send.
Otherwise I get zero complaints from the app and about half the down-loaders (1b) updated to version 1.1.
I have written a perfect bug free app or people really really don't get it and update it just for the sake it.
I sell another app for $0.99 cents and people howl about some relatively minor obscure aspect of it like it was the end of the world.
I could put pinch zoom type stuff in it the app or other features but no one seems to want any extra features for it or have any complaints about it, so should I bother, or should I go write another lame pacman clone..
baseball.480x480-75.jpg [ 45.21 KiB | Viewed 272 times ]
1a. ... ?ls=1&mt=8
1b. From USA, Korea and Japan.
I wrote an iPad app (1a) to generate score sheets, I put a feedback button into it, people press it occasionally put in random text and click send.
Otherwise I get zero complaints from the app and about half the down-loaders (1b) updated to version 1.1.
I have written a perfect bug free app or people really really don't get it and update it just for the sake it.
I sell another app for $0.99 cents and people howl about some relatively minor obscure aspect of it like it was the end of the world.
I could put pinch zoom type stuff in it the app or other features but no one seems to want any extra features for it or have any complaints about it, so should I bother, or should I go write another lame pacman clone..


baseball.480x480-75.jpg [ 45.21 KiB | Viewed 272 times ]
1a. ... ?ls=1&mt=8
1b. From USA, Korea and Japan.
アレゲはアレゲ以上のなにものでもなさげ -- アレゲ研究家


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Search for "Pymble", "InstaElf", "CryWhy" or "Cricket Score Sheet" in the iPad App store or search for "Pymble" or "CryWhy" in the iPhone App store.