The collected works of sgefant

Some time ago I wrote a plugin for blender that uses libsball ( ) instead of 3Dconnexion's drivers for serial spaceball devices. Unfortunately I wasn't able to test it on IRIX, as I don't have a compiler license.

You can get the plugin here:

Note: This requires a build of the ndof svn branch of blender. I don't think an IRIX build is available, so unless you're able to build blender yourself, it probably is easier to wait for blender 2.5...

skywriter wrote:
sgefant wrote:
I don't think an IRIX build is available, so unless you're able to build blender yourself, it probably is easier to wait for blender 2.5...

yeah that way spend all your time trying to port all the development infrastructure build systems and freeware GNU/libtool crap that the open source crowd will change in 2.5.

you'll never get your spaceball that way.

go back to 1.80 when it was simple to build and use.

The problem isn't "the open source crowd" changing stuff so that blender won't work on IRIX, it's lack of developers and access to systems.

I'd be more than happy if there was a neko_blender supporting all the nifty features sgi machines provide, but if nobody is writing the code for it, it won't happen.


PS: don't worry, I'll get my spaceball working
skywriter wrote:
why don't you write code for neko then?
i was involve with blender since 1.23. i'm well aware why the irix blender wasn't getting update because i was the only one doing it. any if you don't remember that then you really don't know what happened. hos tried for a while but lost interest. why don't you ask Ton what happened? read the blender developers list a little more carefully. i offered plenty of systems. NOBODY CARED about maintaining compatibility with IRIX.

if you're not going to help us mr post 2, then piss off back to #blenderchat. we can fix it ourselves if we care.

I'm quite aware of the past problems, but for me currently the biggest problem is that there's only one person either willing or able to provide an IRIX build of blender. I just rencently got an IRIX machine (unfortunately without compiler license), so my interest in being able to run blender on it was rather therotical.

In what way can I help you?

skywriter wrote:
btw wtf reason do you have for being here for the first time after 8 years of IRIX problems?

My main reason was to offer a way to get serial spaceballs working with blender on IRIX. Apparently interest is not as high as I thought.

it crashes here when trying to load the default .B.blend file. Maybe this backtrace from gdb helps:

Code: Select all

#0  cast_pointer () at genfile.c:745
#1  0x106a5800 in reconstruct_struct () at genfile.c:953
#2  0x106a60d4 in dna_reconstruct () at genfile.c:1089
#3  0x10686954 in read_struct () at readfile.c:1243
#4  0x1069a1ec in blo_read_file_internal () at readfile.c:8035
#5  0x106a6bc4 in BLO_read_from_memory () at readblenentry.c:346
#6  0x105ff0bc in BKE_read_file_from_memory () at blender.c:479
#7  0x10358070 in BIF_read_homefile () at usiblender.c:664
#8  0x10358e84 in BIF_init () at usiblender.c:1071
#9  0x100e04cc in main () at creator.c:527

The same happens when selecting "Load Factory Settings" from the File menu.


PS: the link in your first post points to blender-2.48-irix-b.tar.gz, while the file on the server is named blender-2.28-irix-b.tar.gz
That crash probably is not related to python. Do you have a .B.blend file in your home directory? if not, try creating one by running a older version of blender and pressing ctrl+u. If blender 2.48 works then, you've hit the same bug as I did.
fzalfa: I just tested blender on an R5k O2 and it works (as long as there is a ~/.B.blend). What is the exact error you are getting?

hamei wrote: edit :
upped Python to 2.52
Irix 6.5.30

Code: Select all

fewel 5% ./blender
guessing './blender' == '/usr/people/wacko/irix6/./blender'
Compiled with Python version 2.5.2.
Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>
Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix>
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]
'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
Checking for installed Python... No installed Python found.
Only built-in modules are available.  Some scripts may not run.
Continuing happily.
Bus error

No .B.blend and I don't have one lying around. A placebo .B.blend makes no difference :(

You can copy any .blend file to ~/.B.blend. Alternatively you could download an older version of blender, run it and press CTRL+U to save a new .B.blend.

Unfortunately blender crashes on Irix when trying to load files saved on 64 bit systems (lile the default .B.blend). I haven't been able yet to track down this bug. However, current svn should be compilable with gcc (using gmake), so any brave soul willing to have a look at this issue is more than welcome.

To use gcc, one has to add "export IRIX_USE_GCC=true" to their file. Here's mine for reference (using python 2.4 from nekoware):

Code: Select all

export NAN_PYTHON=/usr/nekoware
export NAN_NO_PLUGIN=true
export WITH_BF_WEBPLUGIN=false
export IRIX_USE_GCC=true

edit: BTW, the python error messages are completely harmless and not related to the segfault. They just mean that some python scripts won't run.


blender 2.49 rc1 is available for download from ... .5.tar.bz2

because tbcpp was unable to build blender with mipspro in time, this build was compiled with gcc.
I guess rc2 will be built with mipspro again.

Known bugs and limitations:
* no ffmpeg
* crashes when loading files saved on 64bit platform (like linux on amd64)

To be able to use python scripts one needs to install python 2.5.x from nekoware and set the PYTHONHOME environment variable to /usr/nekoware (this is optional).


(edit: updated link)

EDIT: 2.49a is available, go get it here:
That's strange....

I forgot to mention that the built-in .B.blend was generated on an IRIX box, so it shouldn't crash when there's no ~/.B.blend

Out of couriosity, what's the output of "ldd blender"?

Running blender through gdb might also show something of interest.

@nekonoko: Unfortunately I couldn't get any useful info from the coredump. I'm a bit puzzled why it doesn't work on your systems. I've tested it on an R12k Octane2 and an R10k O2 (both running Irix 6.5.30) and it seems to run ok on both.

Let's hope tbcpp can do a 2.49 build with MIPSpro and see if that one works.

Is it correct that all the systems where it doesn't run are multi-processor? If that's the case, I'll revive my origin and do some tests on it.
I've already mentioned this in another thread , but apparently nobody noticed.

Blender 2.49a got released more than a month ago. It should work on multi-cpu systems, so please test & use it a lot to justify building blender on IRIX. You can get it from the usual place:


PS: Upcoming Blender 2.5 will be using Python 3.1 (and depend on it, unlike previous version). It would be nice if someone could create a nekoware package of python 3.1.
It's been built with MipsPRO. However, gcc builds don't seem to be much slower.
I must admit that I don't quite get the point of the question.
nekonoko wrote:
sgefant wrote: PS: Upcoming Blender 2.5 will be using Python 3.1 (and depend on it, unlike previous version). It would be nice if someone could create a nekoware package of python 3.1.

I tried a quick attempt at a compile and it died with:

Code: Select all

c99 -c -OPT:Olimit=0 -DNDEBUG -O  -I. -IInclude -I./Include -I/usr/nekoware/include  -DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Python/pythonrun.o Python/pythonrun.c
cc-1020 c99: ERROR File = Python/pythonrun.c, Line = 662
The identifier "PATH_MAX" is undefined.

static wchar_t env_home[PATH_MAX+1];

1 error detected in the compilation of "Python/pythonrun.c".
gmake: *** [Python/pythonrun.o] Error 2

If you already have patches for it, let me know and I'll put everything together for Nekoware. Otherwise we'll have to wait until someone can port it.

Sure I will, but I won't be able to take a look at what needs to be done to Python for a couple of days.
The hard disk of my build machine has died. Because of limited time I didn't yet manage to find a replacement.

Most of the irix-specific stuff should be in svn, so it shouldn't be too hard to compile blender.

skywriter wrote:
pretty much if you do the work for open source tools. do you still have to use libtool? *shudder*

No need for libtool. Compiling with gcc should work using Makefiles, one just needs to set a variable ("IRIX_USE_GCC" IIRC) in to true.
Heh... instead of libtool we now have cmake vs. scons vs. gmake

I think Ton's still using OS X, but he's not responsible for the port