If it can help someone, I got two recurent error during building of qt 3.3.1 with Mips Pro 7.4 on Irix 6.5 64 bits.
The first :
cc-1020 CC: ERROR File = /foo/qt/src/tools/qdatastream.cpp, Line = 514
The identifier "strtoll" is undefined.
return strtoll( buf, (char**)0, 10 ); // C99 function
It was badly corrected by modifying "/usr/include/stdlib.h".
/usr/include/stdlib.h: Add the following at line 13
#if defined(__c99) || ((defined(_SGIAPI) || defined(_ABIAPI)) &&
The second one : a core dump during making of QT Designer. Two solutions: upgrade to 7.4.1 or link to the libc.so version of memcmp(). To use the libc.so version, comment out the '#pragma intrinsic (memcmp)' line in the file '/usr/include/internal/string_core.h.
The two original sources where I find my answers:
http://lists.trolltech.com/qt-interest/ ... 315-0.html
Hope it can help some people.