Hi all. My name is Enno, living in a small town in the west of Holland with my wife and 3 kiddies.
Started out, at AT&T, scheduling JCL jobs on an Amdahl mainframe running MVS/XA. After a year of stanby shifts and very little sleep, I switched to software development in FORTRAN on system V unix, calculating traffic and equipment needs for the AT&T 5ESS switch. Done that for some 5 years, and then switched to software development using, ahum, Visual Basic
trying to forecast factory capacity needs.
Currently working for a contracting firm (for the dutchies here, the one with the fish), who send me to a pharmaceutical company, fixing pc applications controlling various robots. While working there I also had to port a system (in perl) from IRIX to W2K. After doing that, the O2, it was first running on came free and was about to be tossed (yes tossed), so I stepped in, and gave it a new home, upgraded it and I'm a fan ever scince
Due to the fact that perl and W2K are not that good a match (virtual ttys and fork problems), the whole system is redesigned, and is now being build using J2EE/Struts/Tomcat/Oracle, which is what I'm currently working on.
Started out, at AT&T, scheduling JCL jobs on an Amdahl mainframe running MVS/XA. After a year of stanby shifts and very little sleep, I switched to software development in FORTRAN on system V unix, calculating traffic and equipment needs for the AT&T 5ESS switch. Done that for some 5 years, and then switched to software development using, ahum, Visual Basic

Currently working for a contracting firm (for the dutchies here, the one with the fish), who send me to a pharmaceutical company, fixing pc applications controlling various robots. While working there I also had to port a system (in perl) from IRIX to W2K. After doing that, the O2, it was first running on came free and was about to be tossed (yes tossed), so I stepped in, and gave it a new home, upgraded it and I'm a fan ever scince