Yeah, if only I wasn't on the wrong side of the country I'd be all over that...


The current fleet.
PymbleSoftware wrote: nekonoko wrote:
duck wrote:
So does the front bezel really double as a viable cupholder?
No, it isn't very strong plastic - if you put anything weighty on it you'd likely break the hinges
I think that was jealousy or tongue in cheek.
mapesdhs wrote: It's a wonder I don't find breadcrumbs inside O2s...
dexter1 wrote: In necron2600's hinv the part code for the power supply is listed:
Code: Select all
PWR.SPPLY.ER Board: barcode AAE9050189 part 060-0035-001 revĀ C
So that is definitely a Cherokee. It's still possible that the Power supply has a fault and doesn't reach its max output.