The collected works of ShadeOfBlue - Page 6

They have been merged around 6.5.22, so the difference now is purely cosmetic, you can choose whichever you like better :)
hamei wrote:
I have noticed that. I wonder if a firewire DVD-Writer would work on an O3xxx ?

I haven't tried that, but there's a chance it might work :)

In my Origin the CD drive is connected via an IDE->FireWire adapter and IRIX sees it as a SCSI device. This is the stock drive that SGI put in there: .

hamei wrote:
Hmmm .... that's an interesting idea :D Not sure what use it would be but fun to play with, for sure !

All disk accesses would be really fast, since the seek time is practically zero, and it would use less power. If you choose a high-end CF card and the FireWire adapter can handle it, the system would boot in a few seconds instead of a minute or so.
jwp wrote:
That should renice all the processes owned by user "hamei" every minute to a high priority level. That means that for any significant interactive work, the process is guaranteed to take higher priority than other things on the system. The command basically takes no time to complete, so it should never affect system performance in any negative way.

This will also renice any compile jobs and other background tasks that are running under that username, so it will be worse than before :)

I think it's still best to use "nice -n 20 [command]" (or "nice +20 [command]" in csh/tcsh) to run any jobs which are known to cause heavy loads. They will then run only when the system is idle and should greatly improve interactive performance.
Speaking of silly effects, has anyone else noticed the horrible color grading in modern Hollywood movies?

It's either all orange and teal, or they desaturate the colors way too much. Both of these effects might be cool if they're used in only a handful of scenes, but applying them to every scene usually ruins an otherwise good movie for me :?

EDIT: Someone wrote an article about this, with some good examples of the orange and teal color grading: .
Perhaps it's overheating?

Disassemble it and clean the ventilation slots on the top, back, and near the middle of the machine (the latter are accessible once you've removed the motherboard and the graphics cards). You can also check if all the fans are running properly.
Ceseuron wrote: Sorry for the double post. Not sure how that happened.....

I've deleted the other post for you :)

If this happens again, you can delete it yourself (as long as no replies have been made) by clicking on the X button in the bottom right of a post.
geo wrote: an error about namespace?

Try adding "-LANG:libc_in_namespace_std=OFF" to the flags :)