Miscellaneous Operating Systems/Hardware

AMIX on WinUAE now boots! - Page 3

ClassicHasClass wrote:
The hard disk is something like 97% full. I want to back THAT up first, and I'd probably have to put another drive in. This computer is loaded to the brim with software; it even has CanDo and SAS/C.

You'll be all set to become a real Amiga dev 25 years afterwards then! Great stuff. Workbench 2.1 had BRU I believe, might be of use...

I've found on an Amiga forum how to access the HDF partitions from Linux using the losetup util:

losetup -o 65536 --sizelimit 724566K /dev/loop1 amix.hdf
mount -o loop -o ufstype=old -r -t ufs /dev/loop1 /mnt

AMIX uses the first 128 blocks of the disk for it's Rigid Disk Block so you have to use the offset option. Linux saves the day once again!

Meanwhile I'm running into plenty of weirdness... why can't ksh do a "cd ." when running ./configure ? It will after doing a cd..; cd thatthingimcompiling though. Daft. And of course most software barfs on compile with very unclear (for a non-dev) reasons.
Quick update, WinUAE from 2.7.1 beta 9 has portforwarding in SLiRP enabled so you can telnet/webbrowse/whatever straight in, giving you at last a decent console to work in. Great stuff, thanks to Toni Willen and neozeed!
FS-UAE 2.6 series has been released some time ago, and it offers the MMU+FPU emulation at last, plus just about every option needed for AMIX to run, since it's based on WinUAE 3.1's core (2.4 was on 2.5). You should now be able to emulate AMIX on any *NIX with a decent uptodate port tree!
Thanks for the update Noth, i'll inform Hakimoto that he now can get proper UAE/AMIX emulation on his Clevo Laptop with Ubuntu :)
:Crimson: :PI: :Indigo: :O2: :Indy: :Indigo2: :Indigo2IMP: :O200: :O2000: :Onyx2: