IRIX and Software

Setting up lightpptd on IRIX 6.5

Ive been meaning to get a webserver going for a while now but it keeps getting aside for other projects.

I installed the lighttpd server from nekoware. i now have a /usr/nekoware/lighttpd folder.

I am uncertain of how to configure the server and where files are supposed to go, etc.

I also keep putting off creating a proper symlink so i can call things in /usr/nekoware bin. I have not been able to read the documentation for lighttpd either. again, i think i need to make a sym link to the man pages or something, but i am not sure.

Aside from the power requirements of leaving a onyx2 running, any security reason i should not run a web facing server? Even if it is behind a firewall, are there any major vulnerable things that are running out of box that can be removed or disabled if not needed?

I might do some testing on a little sgi indy at the office as well because it is quiet and takes less power.
:Octane: :Octane: :Octane: :Octane2: :Indy: :Indy: :Indigo: :Indigo2: :Crimson: Image :Tezro: :Tezro: :Onyx2: :Onyx2: :Onyx: :OnyxR: :BA213:
MrBill wrote: Even if it is behind a firewall, are there any major vulnerable things that are running out of box that can be removed or disabled if not needed?

if it's behind a firewall and/or router the other things don't matter. assuming you only forward traffic to the lighttpd.
as for the config, that's not different from running it on any other platform so the official docs should be fine.
MrBill wrote: I also keep putting off creating a proper symlink so i can call things in /usr/nekoware bin. I have not been able to read the documentation for lighttpd either. again, i think i need to make a sym link to the man pages or something, but i am not sure.

Symlinks aren't necessary. All you need to do is adjust the PATH (to execute programs) and MANPATH (to read documentation) environment variables.

Assuming you're running the default shell (which is csh on IRIX, IIRC) add the following two lines to your ~/.cshrc file:

Code: Select all

setenv PATH /usr/nekoware/bin:${PATH}
setenv MANPATH /usr/nekoware/share/man:/usr/nekoware/man:/usr/share/catman:/usr/share/man:/usr/catman:/usr/man

I use the bash shell myself, so the above might not be quite correct for csh. If you also use bash, then edit ~/.bashrc instead and add:

Code: Select all

export PATH=/usr/nekoware/bin:${PATH}
export MANPATH=/usr/nekoware/share/man:/usr/nekoware/man:/usr/share/catman:/usr/share/man:/usr/catman:/usr/man

A few notes:
  1. You can add /usr/nekoware/bin to your existing path by referring to $PATH as shown above. The same doesn't necessarily work for MANPATH unless you've already set it. By default MANPATH is empty, which means that man uses a path hard-coded into it. Setting MANPATH will then override (rather than add to) the hard-coded one. So when setting MANPATH you typically also have to include the defaults rather than referring to $MANPATH.
  2. Some packages put their documentation in share/man while others just use man. So it's usually necessary to include both.
  3. IRIX ships with preformatted man pages in the catman directories, so you need to include both man (unformatted) and catman (formatted) directories in your MANPATH for standard IRIX stuff. I don't know of any Nekoware packages that use catman, though.
:Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indigo: :O3x0:
Sun SPARCstation 20, Blade 2500, T5240
HP C8000
If you have Perl, you can also use HTTPi. It works with 5.005 and up.

(Disclaimer: the author is a total jerk)
smit happens.

:Fuel: bigred , 900MHz R16K, 4GB RAM, V12 DCD, 6.5.30
:Indy: indy , 150MHz R4400SC, 256MB RAM, XL24, 6.5.10
:Indigo2IMP: purplehaze , 175MHz R10000, Solid IMPACT
probably posted from Image bruce , Quad 2.5GHz PowerPC 970MP, 16GB RAM, Mac OS X 10.4.11
plus IBM POWER6 p520 * Apple Network Server 500 * RDI PrecisionBook * BeBox * Solbourne S3000 * Commodore 128 * many more...
Much appreciated on the info on sitting up the paths.

Only seems to be working on csh though. I use bash myself too, and it does not seem to make any effect when added to bashrc.

Thanks for the reccomendation for httpi. Might work good too. Just looking for a webserver to host some music and a tiny php forum.
:Octane: :Octane: :Octane: :Octane2: :Indy: :Indy: :Indigo: :Indigo2: :Crimson: Image :Tezro: :Tezro: :Onyx2: :Onyx2: :Onyx: :OnyxR: :BA213:
MrBill wrote: I also keep putting off creating a proper symlink so i can call things in /usr/nekoware bin. I have not been able to read the documentation for lighttpd either. again, i think i need to make a sym link to the man pages or something, but i am not sure.

Right, as someone already mentioned, symlinks are not necessary.

In fact, see this Wiki page: ... tion#Shell

The part it links to is a ready-made .profile you can use for the Bash shell. It will configure everything you need to run/use Nekoware seamlessly.
oOoO :Tezro: oOoO
devv wrote: In fact, see this Wiki page: ... tion#Shell

The part it links to is a ready-made .profile you can use for the Bash shell. It will configure everything you need to run/use Nekoware seamlessly.

Thanks for that link! I knew the wiki covered it in detail somewhere, but I couldn't find it. That's much more complete than what I wrote above.
:Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indigo: :O3x0:
Sun SPARCstation 20, Blade 2500, T5240
HP C8000