nuts wrote:
I don't know why, this morning I switched on my octane, but it is very slower than the other days.
I didn't install anything before, I can hear the hdd scratching a lot now.., I have already had this problem, I reinstalled Irix and it was resolved, but now, I can't reinstall it until I finish to set up a Linux-server to share Irix cds.
How I can repair my system?
Off the top of my head...
Do a "ps -ef | grep xfs" .. This the XFS file system repair program would have lots of disk activity and really slow the machine down. This is meant to run at some ungodly hour.
Check the machines time.
Read up on Network Time Protocol *
man top -- the top command will show what is comsuming CPU and memory resources.
chkconfig sendmail off -- Consumed resources on one of my machines. Didn't bring it to a crawl though.
"hdd scratching a lot now" sounds like something running out of memory and the system swapping pages of memory out to disk. Put more memory in the machine if you can. Turn off all services you don't need. man chkconfig.
I have a book called "system performance tuning" by Orielly and associates, that I can't lay my hands on right now but you should be able to get the ISBN from an amazon search.
Google performance tuning most general UNIX tuning tips apply to IRIX also.
(*) I am hacking the extension fields of the reference implementation of this protocol for government labs and the physics department of a university on the other side of the country.