In my Make-The-Fuel-Quieter project of a while back I not only replaced the fans and got some good results, but I also used some of the silicone washers I got with the fans to dampen parts of the casing. In particular, i shoved washers down one side of each vrpo fan to stop them from rattling in their blue shroud.
Which got me thinking: redbox stil has some annoying sound characteristics. Perhaps there's more I can do.
So, this morning I opened it up and did some prodding and poking and discovered that the system drive mounted in the 3.5" middle drive bays with the blue SGI-supplied drive rails was vibrating the 5.25" drive bays above it, resulting in an audible drone. Prodding/poking/dampening the bottom drive bay fan also resulted in a reduction of drone.
Armed with the new prodding data, I hopped out to Maplins and got a packet of rubber fan mounts.
Cutting off some of the fan mount rubber allowed me to remount the middle drive bay fan using the original (long-ish) screws with the cut-down rubber mounts on the diagonal. (4 fan mount holes, two screws, two rubber mounts). The result is a significant reduction in resonance drone eminating from that fan and the surrounding case metal.
I then removed the system drive from the middle drive bays and booted redbox - obviously the resonance drone from the top 5.25" bays disappeared completely. However, when placed in the bottom bays the drive produced a new resonance, but padding the bottom bay with silicone washers has significantly reduced the new resonance.
Top tip: make a long masking tape inside out sticky thing first, then place the washers on the sticky thing and cut between each washer to reduce clumsy finger tape stickage when trying to make perfect 7mm inside out masking tape loops.
The drive just sits in the bay, no screws or fixings are used.
Given that I plan to re-install IRIX, I proceeded to test each of the SCSI/SCA drives I have to find the quietest one. It seems that my 147Gb 15k drives all produce a piercing high-pitched whine. Some of the 10k units of various sizes just made a lot of noise in general. I've settled on a 36Gb 10k Fujitsu unit re-badged by HP. It too has a whine, albeit at a softer volume and most importantly at a lower and more sufferable pitch. I do not have enough drives at hand to offer recommendation for a model/make/type, but it seems fair to say that 15k units will always emit a very high pitched whine.
Finally, padding the ends of the case crossbar (what a POS the Fuel case is) with some of the silicone washers seem to have removed some noise/vibration too.
But at this point I might be starting to hear things
Which got me thinking: redbox stil has some annoying sound characteristics. Perhaps there's more I can do.
So, this morning I opened it up and did some prodding and poking and discovered that the system drive mounted in the 3.5" middle drive bays with the blue SGI-supplied drive rails was vibrating the 5.25" drive bays above it, resulting in an audible drone. Prodding/poking/dampening the bottom drive bay fan also resulted in a reduction of drone.
Armed with the new prodding data, I hopped out to Maplins and got a packet of rubber fan mounts.
Cutting off some of the fan mount rubber allowed me to remount the middle drive bay fan using the original (long-ish) screws with the cut-down rubber mounts on the diagonal. (4 fan mount holes, two screws, two rubber mounts). The result is a significant reduction in resonance drone eminating from that fan and the surrounding case metal.
I then removed the system drive from the middle drive bays and booted redbox - obviously the resonance drone from the top 5.25" bays disappeared completely. However, when placed in the bottom bays the drive produced a new resonance, but padding the bottom bay with silicone washers has significantly reduced the new resonance.
Top tip: make a long masking tape inside out sticky thing first, then place the washers on the sticky thing and cut between each washer to reduce clumsy finger tape stickage when trying to make perfect 7mm inside out masking tape loops.
The drive just sits in the bay, no screws or fixings are used.
Given that I plan to re-install IRIX, I proceeded to test each of the SCSI/SCA drives I have to find the quietest one. It seems that my 147Gb 15k drives all produce a piercing high-pitched whine. Some of the 10k units of various sizes just made a lot of noise in general. I've settled on a 36Gb 10k Fujitsu unit re-badged by HP. It too has a whine, albeit at a softer volume and most importantly at a lower and more sufferable pitch. I do not have enough drives at hand to offer recommendation for a model/make/type, but it seems fair to say that 15k units will always emit a very high pitched whine.
Finally, padding the ends of the case crossbar (what a POS the Fuel case is) with some of the silicone washers seem to have removed some noise/vibration too.
But at this point I might be starting to hear things