I'm a bit of an SGI newbie. I currently own an Indigo 2 and it hasn't wanted to boot for some time.. I finally got around to sourcing the correct serial cable from Amazon and a USB to serial adaptor and got it all hooked up tonight. The system powers on, gives me a little menu and when I ask it to boot the system after about 5 seconds of disk access it dumps the following:
The system is fully populated with RAM and my gut is telling me this is a memory error... am I right? If so is it time to start swapping out SIMM's one at a time until I find the culprit(s)?
Thanks in advance!
I'm a bit of an SGI newbie. I currently own an Indigo 2 and it hasn't wanted to boot for some time.. I finally got around to sourcing the correct serial cable from Amazon and a USB to serial adaptor and got it all hooked up tonight. The system powers on, gives me a little menu and when I ask it to boot the system after about 5 seconds of disk access it dumps the following:
ecc_panic initiated! (for cpu 0)
ECC PANIC: Uncorrectable HARDWARE ECC error, in kernel mode
CPU SysAD bus: |?!Syndrome at addr 0x10000008 normal!
CacheErr 0xe400000f<ER,EC,ED,EE,SIDX=0x882c51f8,PIDX=0x882c51f8>
Status 0xff05<IM8,IM7,IM6,IM5,IM4,IM3,IM2,IM1,IPL=0,MODE=KERNEL,ERL,IE>
ErrorEPC 0x8801a88c, Exception Frame 0xa834bde0, ECC Frame 0xa834bf88
PhysAddr 0x10000008, VirtAddr 0x7008
cpu_err_stat: 0x3a0, cpu_err_addr: 0x10000000
gio_err_stat: 0x0, gio_err_addr: 0x1fbd9023
hpc3_buserr_stat: 0xbfbb0010
ECC cbits 0x0 data_lo 0x0 data_hi 0x0
sbe dblwrds 0x0 mbe dblwrds 0x0
s_taglo 0x10003cd<paddr=0x882c5358,INVAL,vind=0x882c5358,ecc=0x882c5358>
PANIC: Uncorrectable cache ecc/parity error
Kernel/Interrupt Stack Overflow @0x881ba988 sp:0x88317e28 k1:0x23001f
ra:0x881bd2b0 stkflag:1
DOUBLE PANIC: stack underflow/overflow
ECC PANIC: Uncorrectable HARDWARE ECC error, in kernel mode
CPU SysAD bus: |?!Syndrome at addr 0x10000008 normal!
CacheErr 0xe400000f<ER,EC,ED,EE,SIDX=0x882c51f8,PIDX=0x882c51f8>
Status 0xff05<IM8,IM7,IM6,IM5,IM4,IM3,IM2,IM1,IPL=0,MODE=KERNEL,ERL,IE>
ErrorEPC 0x8801a88c, Exception Frame 0xa834bde0, ECC Frame 0xa834bf88
PhysAddr 0x10000008, VirtAddr 0x7008
cpu_err_stat: 0x3a0, cpu_err_addr: 0x10000000
gio_err_stat: 0x0, gio_err_addr: 0x1fbd9023
hpc3_buserr_stat: 0xbfbb0010
ECC cbits 0x0 data_lo 0x0 data_hi 0x0
sbe dblwrds 0x0 mbe dblwrds 0x0
s_taglo 0x10003cd<paddr=0x882c5358,INVAL,vind=0x882c5358,ecc=0x882c5358>
PANIC: Uncorrectable cache ecc/parity error
Kernel/Interrupt Stack Overflow @0x881ba988 sp:0x88317e28 k1:0x23001f
ra:0x881bd2b0 stkflag:1
DOUBLE PANIC: stack underflow/overflow
The system is fully populated with RAM and my gut is telling me this is a memory error... am I right? If so is it time to start swapping out SIMM's one at a time until I find the culprit(s)?
Thanks in advance!