Does anybody find the place where ID chip in Fuel is located ?
Is it the same chip like on Octane or new one ?
Is it the same chip like on Octane or new one ?

nicte wrote: Does anybody find the place where ID chip in Fuel is located ?
Is it the same chip like on Octane or new one ?
SAQ wrote: I thought I remembered seeing that Fuel used a small encrypted EEPROM for the serial number.
nicte wrote: Well, now I have a real mess...
So :
1. there's two chips -Atmel and Dallas
2. which of them carries sys ID : Atmel or Dallas ? Both ??? The same ID ???
3. Which of them can be reprogrammed and how?
hamei wrote:nicte wrote: Well, now I have a real mess...
So :
1. there's two chips -Atmel and Dallas
Search for some posts by pinball cf the Atmel. I believe the thread was about fixing the environment sensor chip, which is nearby.
2. which of them carries sys ID : Atmel or Dallas ? Both ??? The same ID ???
I replaced the mainboard years ago and had to move both. Not sure what that means or if it was a fluke or a screwup on my part, but something to be aware of.
3. Which of them can be reprogrammed and how?
The Atmel cannot be reprogrammed. Don't know about the Dallas. Are you trying to maintain an id for some licensed software ? You can't move both chips over just to be safe ?
hamei wrote: The Atmel cannot be reprogrammed. Don't know about the Dallas.
SAQ wrote: It looks like he's trying to move over from an Octane or other NIC system.
Wasn't there a piece of software around that did a non-permanent change of the serial number after it was loaded into IRIX?
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001c01-L1>help eeprom
show brick eeprom data.
eeprom <exp> <exp> <exp>
show brick eeprom data at <eeprom> <offset> <length>.
eeprom Fuel write default
write standard Fuel EEPROM data to MAC EEPROM