SUCCESS!!! I just finished replacing these 3 - DS1780's, and what a pain in the "back"... and I am now also seeing cross eyed. After getting them in place and heating them with the hot air gun (craftsman heat gun with pencil size nozzle) I successfully got them mounted...not registration perfect BUT in alignment with the pads close enough to make good contact. Few minor issues along the way.. one between pci bus slots hard to get at and heat gun started to deform a 66 mhz slot...ugggghh! quick, withdraw and slam in the 7.1 sound card... hmm tight and slightly begining to deform but ... it's ok.. so now it has its first internal mod..(haa haa) whew!! at least it didnt ruin that slot. (thank-GOD)
next one under processor module awful close to PIMM connector ok.. let see- learned lesson from pci slot so.. aimed gun opposite direction away from connector ... oh boy rs232 connector (L1) wants to melt alittle... but again didnt hurt the connection... good.
power it up... L1 reporting poop loads of arbitration errors ... including memory and other...
told me it had no mac # , no serial # and no led abritration plus other things..
NO SIGNS OF LIFE.. except L1 activity NO FANS AT ALL- crud darn danggidy doodle poop!!
power off inspected closer again... hmm connections look ok.. started to ohm out pin of chip to feed through pad... hmm probes SO BIG!! like elephant gun to shoot ants.
using eyeglasses, with magnifing lenses that clip on, then hand held magnifying lens too.. make ya dizzy.. and almost loopy!! hey is that two legs on the upper left edge of the one that is normally hidden by the cpu card bridged.. is that stray solder... hhmmm
xacto knife time... why dont i just slide it carefully between every leg... and see.
looks clear for sure... power up!! YEAH fans !... L1 prompt looked proper
no complaints... typed env... all env looks great!
reassembled.. hooked up hard drive...
SUCCESS!! SUCCESS!! so all it can be done.. mine is living proof...
--------- BUYERS BEWARE ON EBAY!! ------------
BY the way, it was sold to me on ebay, as a project and was the most repairable compared... but it was wrongly advertised too... as a 700 or 800mhz, power issue, no gfx card with harddisk... EBAY Item number: 300171392882
BULL - it was a 500 with power issue.. no video card. oh well, the main mother was repairable.
secondly I bought a stand alone gfx v12 card..
from another seller... it too is bad BUT maybe I can get seller to deal as it was guaranteed.
the other fuel.. that was supposed to work ...ebay item #270180531263
has scsi issue.. think its the qlogic chip... AM NOT trying to change a PBGA 430some connection chip SCREW THAT..fortunately that has the 600mhz cpu I need... and the v12 I need and a tape drive and memory...the seller offered RMA but I found it had a tape drive that wasnt advertised and I wanted that too..so... and I may just change the momma for this one. will see.maybe just keep as there are other parts.
spare fans and nice case... anyway WOOO WOOO I NOW have a FUEL...
attached are the proof pictures... the bridged one is on correct! thanks to Xacto!
so IT can be done.. with patience,and hard work.