Hey All,
GNU Bash 4.2.x seems to compile without fatal errors, but the resulting `bash` binary doesn't produce a ^C when you hit CTRL+C in winterm.
Have tried 3.2.56, 4.2, 4.2.10, 4.2.53 and 4.4-beta. All generate a non ^C producing binary.
Am calling configure as:
CC=c99 CFLAGS="-O2" ./configure
Can somebody hold my hand please?
PS. I know the Nekoware bash 4.2.10 notes state that it was compiled with -O1. Tried that, no dice.
GNU Bash 4.2.x seems to compile without fatal errors, but the resulting `bash` binary doesn't produce a ^C when you hit CTRL+C in winterm.
Have tried 3.2.56, 4.2, 4.2.10, 4.2.53 and 4.4-beta. All generate a non ^C producing binary.
Am calling configure as:
CC=c99 CFLAGS="-O2" ./configure
Can somebody hold my hand please?
PS. I know the Nekoware bash 4.2.10 notes state that it was compiled with -O1. Tried that, no dice.
800Mhz 4Gb V12